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The Universe Alpha Gods

Before the creation of the multiple universes, one of which is where the heroes Goku and Vegeta now exist, there existed one singular universe. This universe was the Alpha Universe, the original testing ground for what would eventually become Zeno's ultimate project: The Multiverse.

Now you can take control of the Universe Alpha Gods.

First up is Dharma; the God of Destruction. Once a mere Supreme Kai-in-training, Dharma has been through hell and back, and after all of the things she has been through, she has come out the other side as Universe Alpha's second God of Destruction, the successor to the original.

Secondly, we have Loki; the Supreme Kai of the Alpha Universe. Once upon a time, Loki was revered as a hero, but over the centuries he grew callous and abusive. His corruption spread like a caner through his energy and affected those around him, turning them into monsters (of the metaphorical kind). He chose to willingly ignore this corruption growing inside himself and placed all the blame on others.

Dharma wields not only the power of a God of Destruction, but has access to Super Saiyan Rosé. This is due to the Saiyan DNA in her body. Loki himself is pure and has mastered the heightened mental state to move his body parts without thinking about it, giving him access to Ultra Instinct.

The strong history between these two, and how Dharma has Saiyan DNA in her body is something which can be learned about should you wish to read the "History Lesson" included in the download.

Dharma uses Android 18's Moveset (Thanks Alfq!), while Loki uses Mira's Moveset (Thanks Seiki!)


  • Dharma (Base Form - Transformable to Super Saiyan Rosé)
  • Dharma (Super Saiyan Rosé)
  • Loki (Transformable to Ultra Instinct)
  • Extra: Dharma's Clothes for HUF/SYF


PLEASE read the included (READ ME FIRST) file. It tells you exactly what you need from the above mods. Dharma and Loki's transformations have been embedded as they have slight edits to fix certain issues. Lazybone has kindly allowed me to do this. The Names and GUIDs of the skills are also different so that they do not clash with the original Lazybone skills and will also not show up in the shop.


Make sure you support these modders however you can, they're the life-blood of this community!

Pretty straightforward.

First you install all of the required mods listed in the (READ ME FIRST) file, and then install the characters. You can do all of this using Eternity's handy Mods Installer (XV2INS).

1.0 - RELEASE.

The (Possible) Future:

  • Other "non-canon" Dharma Variants (SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3, God, Blue, and SSJ4)
  • Further Outfits for Dharma (Such as Traditional God of Destruction Clothes)
  • Possible Other Universe Alpha Characters (If I come up with them)
  • 3Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
11.36 MB
Credit given to modders
DrewOT8 (Drew Landis)
May 26, 2018


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  • 3Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
11.36 MB
Credit given to modders
DrewOT8 (Drew Landis)
May 26, 2018

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