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Time Breaker Black Mask

i recolor this model because it's cool af 🤣 i hope u like it 😁

Credit for this guy right here:

Use XV2 Patcher 😁

  • 5Mods
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File size
654.09 kB
July 18, 2021


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  1. I found the fix but it replaces another accessory in the process, first make sure you have WinRAR, if you don’t, download that first then install the time breaker mask mod and download it to the mods installer. After installing the mask mod it should appear as a WinRAR file, click on the file, hover over the mask you want to use because there are two options for the mask.

    Once you’ve chosen the mask option, right-click on it, there should be a couple of options that pop up, the one you want to look for is “View File”. click on view file, then HUM, after clicking on HUM you should see 4 files that have HUM in front of them with emb, emd, emm and esk at the end of the file text.

    Hold Right-click and drag up on the files then copy them. After copying the files, go to your xenoverse 2 directory (easiest way is to go to steam, then library, right-click on xenoverse 2, hover over the manage option, and click “browse local files”) After you get to the xenoverse 2 directory you want to click on the data folder, then chara, after clicking chara you want to scroll and look for the HUM folder in the Chara folder.

    Once you’ve found the HUM folder, click on the folder, make a new folder inside the HUM folder, right-click, then paste. This will allow you to rename the numbers of the mask files so they are set to a different accessory.

    After pasting the files in the new folder hold right-click and drag up on the files, right-click once on the selected files, click rename, and I repeat ONLY change the numbers of the name, do not change anything else other than the numbers. Use the numbers 922, an example: “HUM_922.emb”.

    after changing the numbers for all the files, hold right-click and drag up on the files like before, right-click on the files again, click copy, go back to the HUM folder in your directory, Paste it in that folder and you’re done. Now go in-game and look for it to replace either the Majin mark or the Gas mask.

  2. Was going to edit my comment but it gave me a timer a booted me out of editing it, and I can’t edit that comment anymore. I fixed it in the XV2 Costume creator (xv2costcreat.exe)

    I messed with the U settings, such as U 0C, U 0A, U_24, etc.
    I changed all of the U (space) and U_ to be -1 except for U 0C and U_28.

    I changed U 0C to be 30 and U_28 to be -65536. The mask now shows up in my inventory and the shop.
    Also changed the price to 10 just in case.

  3. Dropping by the say that if you’re having trouble getting the mask to appear, you’ll most likely have to replace the id of the Time Breaker mask to replace another accessory. To do that…I’ve no idea.

  • 5Mods
  • 4Followers

File size
654.09 kB
July 18, 2021

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