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Time Skip/Deadlock

Stop time and launch an unstoppable assault!

you can activate Passive Mode by pressing Skill Input again after skill starts to freely do damage to the opponent for a limited time!

included a small awoken skill to go along with it

----------------------------------------------------- I also added a custom Hit Character X2M that comes with the embedded skills along with Assassin's Mark from Random Super Skill Pack 3.

Install Skill X2M First using XV2 Installer then run CMN_Installer

1.0 - Released

  • 100Mods
  • 404Followers

Credit given to modders
April 4, 2024


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  1. So, my friend tried using this online with me and their animation bugged out a bit, as well as the enemy dropping out of the attack while he was locked onto them.

    Wanted to give a heads up in case something broke.

  2. Is anyone else confused on how this works? I use it and hw still does the animation but instead the sky stays the same and the enemy spins around not reacting to the attack and it deals no damage.

  3. Hey Unleashed, huge fan of your work! I have an issue with this awesome skill you made. When I use the move the target that I hitting does like a back flip floating animation instead of standing still for the whole skill to work. I dont know if its a bug or either i’m doing it wrong. The passive mode works fine its just the actual move seems bugged I think

  4. Love this ultimate, enjoy this more then the impact stream ultimate you made. There is a small problem with this, I tried this ultimate in a PQ and when performing the ultimate it auto locks to the nearest target and locks off the “current” enemy I’m originally locking on to

    1. Originally, the download contained the skills to be used for CaC (can be found from the Skill Shop) or to be equipped on the cast character Hit using CUS_Skillset Editor

      However i now included a custom Hit Character X2M that comes equipped with the new skills

  • 100Mods
  • 404Followers

Credit given to modders
April 4, 2024

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