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Title Screen Change

*I may not include all previews in the screenshots, so if you want to know what one looks like, I make sure to include previews for each one in download.

**The resolutions/aspect ratios look weird because of the resolution I'm playing the game in. These are actually in 1080.

***If you are playing in a different language, look at the files. At the end of each file should be "en" without the quotes. Change that to whatever language you are playing.   Note: May or May Not Work.

EX: en = English     or      es = Spanish

Will take requests (I can change most of the GUIs in the game. (Item/Zeni symbol, Race Symbols, Menus, etc.)

Thanks for checking this mod out!


Edit: This is now turning into a collection of title screens that have been requested or I felt like making.

Edit: I LOVE the ideas you guys are coming up with!

I want to ask you something. When you guys request things that aren't a title screen, do you want me to make a new post for them, or just include them in this? Ya know, turn this into a collection of everything instead of title screen.

Edit: Thanks to your guys's requests we have now surpassed the file limit! This is great! It means we are slowly building up a collection!

Put the files in data ui iggy

*Every new title screen I add will be included in zip, unless specified otherwise. This will be updated A LOT, so I wouldn't be surprised if I go over the size limit soon...

Added a separate download for a version without "GoodorBadAsh"

Added new title screen "Title Screen Neo"

Added new title screen "Instant Transmission Logo"

Added new title screen "Goku VS. Black"

- I did NOT make the artwork. I found it on Google images. If you are the artist and wanted it taken off, I will gladly take it off, as I have no say in it. Kudos to whoever made it though... it's really nice.

Added a new title screen "Shingeki No Kyojin" - (Attack On Titan)

Added a new title screen "Manga Title"

Added a new title screen "UI Goku VS. Jiren" - Added an updated version with NO fog. -- Now with full screen version! --- Updated the Logo position.

Added a new title screen "UI Goku VS. Jiren 2" - It was a separate request of a pic of an alternate angle. [full screen only] -- Added a version with the XV2 Logo.

Added a new title screen "Bleach" - [Full screen only]

- I did NOT make the artwork. I found it on Google images. If you are the artist and wanted it taken off, I will gladly take it off, as I have no say in it. Kudos to whoever made it though... it's really nice. This picture is literally what got me into Bleach in the first place!

Added a new title screen "Paper Shot" - I didn't make this the thumbnail in case it offends people, and again I take NO CREDIT for this picture.

Added a new title screen "3 Gods" - I got it from R.R. in the comments.

Added a new title screen "God Pack" - I got it from R.R. in the comments.

Added a new title screen "Goku VS. Freezer" - I got it from R.R. in the comments.

Added a new title screen "Vegeta SSJ/SSB" - I got it from R.R. in the comments.

Added a new title screen "FighterZ Icon"

Added a new title screen "FighterZ Title Screen" - 2 versions. 1st is normal. 2nd the grid was recolored to solid blue.

Added a new title screen "Evolution of Goku" - Has 2 versions. One with XV2 Logo, and one without.

Added a new title screen "Modded Edition Logo"

Added a new title screen "Hit" - Has 2 versions. One with XV2 Logo, and one without.

Added a new title screen "Goku Black"

Added a new title screen "Goku's Symbol (The one on his ''No Character'' Gi)"

Added a new title screen "Extreme Xenoverse 2" - By Kurosakix in the comments

Added a new title screen "Dragon Ball Super GT"

Added a new title screen "GFRVGTGOK"

Added a new title screen "Goku Black 2"

Added a new title screen "Goku Black 3"

Added a new title screen "SSBKKX10"

Added a new title screen "UI Goku"

Added a new title screen "Don't Look At Goku's Eyes"

Added a new title screen "UI Goku 2"

Added a new title screen "Online"

Added a new title screen "DBS (Japan)"

  • 38Mods
  • 1Followers

File size
96.17 MB
Credit given to modders
GoodorBadAsh , R.R. [Supplied Some Pics], and Buzzwatt [Supplied Some Pics]
December 20, 2017


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  1. I think you should do it like A version tittle screen. For example this logo design mod will be version 1, then the next could be version 2 with other title screen mod. Would love if you do a xenoverse 3 logo with a ssj 4 vegeta and goku the tittle screen. great work

  • 38Mods
  • 1Followers

File size
96.17 MB
Credit given to modders
GoodorBadAsh , R.R. [Supplied Some Pics], and Buzzwatt [Supplied Some Pics]
December 20, 2017

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