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Towifla (Towa And Caulifla Fusión Potara)

Towifla (Towa And Caulifla Fusión Potara)


Well at the beginning I was not sure I could do it, because I was part of "Caulifla" and other things but if I could

achieve this character in the end it was a "Dilemma" when I created it I did not know what was the best or what

one of the those things was the cane that at the beginning was going to leave but with a custom moveset but in

the end I changed it to a more combination of "Caulifla and Towa" creating a new custom moveset with some ki

attacks, then another part was the hair if left as it was in the original design or use the base of some of the two

but modified but in the end I decided on the hair of the design but to change it would not change style as is the

hair of "Vegetto" and that were quite testing What do you do although you probably have some error even

though it has nothing serious, I was also going to put some extra things but in the end I decided not to do it as a

mini-lore for her, well better to stop talking and without further delay enjoy the mod and "Merry Christmas

to Everyone "



Bueno al principio no estaba seguro de poder hacerlo, por ser parte "Caulifla" y otras cosas pero de lograrlo si

pude al final este personaje en si fue una "Dilemma" al crearlo ya no sabia que era lo mejor o lo que convenia

una de esas cosas fue el bastón que al principio se lo iba dejar pero con un moveset personalizado pero al final lo

cambie a más a una combinación más de "Caulifla y Towa" creando un moveset nuevo personalizado con

algunos ataques de ki, despues otra parte fue el pelo si dejarlo como salia en el diseño original o usar el base de

algunas de las dos pero modificado pero al final me decidi por el pelo del diseño pero al transformarse no

cambiaria de estilo como es el pelo de "Vegetto" y eso fueron bastantes testeos que hices aunque problamente

tenga algun error aun asi no tiene nada grave, tambien iba meter algunas cosas extras pero al final decidi no

hacerlo como un mini-lore para ella, bueno mejor dejo de hablar y sin más dilación que disfruten del mod e

"Feliz Navidad a Todos"



The character is based on a fusion of "Darkhameleon" so it is not completely traced



Darkness/Time Bullet (Ki Cost: 200)

Create a space that limits your opponent's movement....

Advice: Use when you send your opponent flying with a hit or this quiet

Darkness/Speed Trap (Ki Cost: 100) (Only Towifla)
The same as the bloody sauce but it does more damage and is transported towards the opponent
Advice: Use as counterattack and at the end of the light hit combo, 
(as counter-attack I mean how much are you hitting the opponent and it is transported back to 
you use it and that grace will not work as long as you have enough Ki for the Skill)

Darkness/Life Trap (Ki Cost: 300)

Fire a volley of Ki Blasts in one go! You can cancel the move by performing additional input before the blast is


Note: Makes a lot of damage and leaves the opponent poisoned and absorbs life from the surroundings

(Summons 10 Ki projectiles that follow the opponent)


Energy Mixer (Ki Required: 100)

A move that charges Ki and Stamina. Recovers Ki and Stamina more quickly! (Requires 100 of Ki to be able to

use it)

Note: Recover ki and stamina faster than the "Darkness Mixer"


Dark Dragon Fist (Ki Cost: 200 And Stamina Cost: 100)

A long-range Strike skill! After you've leapt in, unleash a barrage of 3 hits max!

Note: It does more damage than the normal version and can not be stopped by any normal attack or 
ki or super or ultimates and if the opponent is covered you will break the guard and will do 
half the damage of the skill

Dark Instant Death (Ki Cost: 800)

Kill your opponent in a single stroke with dark energy, if your opponent covers the impact he will receive a part

of the damage and his guard will be broken



New Transformations (Added Skills)



Darkhameleon For Design

Eternity for Tools

lazybone for

Olganix And Dario for Xenoviewer V2

Olganix for EmdFbx And FbxEmd

Olganix , Dario And Mugen for XenoXmlConverter

Olganix For EanOrganizer

Just use X2M installer eternity tool;


-Several Tests

-Custom Moveset

-Custom Skills (No, Alls)

-Other Minor Misc



-Fixed Infinite Loading (Thanks, Soldiers' Soul Music Mod)

-Change Name to Towifla (???) ----> Towifla (Demon Saiyan)

  • 38Mods
  • 25Followers

Credit given to modders
February 16, 2018


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  • 38Mods
  • 25Followers

Credit given to modders
February 16, 2018

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