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Adds new transformations and skills to the game or existing transformations or skills but aren't available to players. This mod is compatible with any other skill mod.

I just discovered (as of the Villainous God update) you need lazybone's HUM.bcs for the following transformations (this is because I made them while having his HUM.bcs installed) (the following transformations will work without his HUM.bcs but they won't change hair colour): Pure Progress (Red Hair Version), Kaioken X100, Super Kaioken X10, Super Kaioken 2 X10, False Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan Blue, Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Crimson, Super Saiyan Random and their overpowered and villainous counterparts. So the first lot of god transformations aside from the one's lazybone's mod doesn't have, have been rendered useless since his are better but I guess mine are stronger so there is that.

Thanks to Zekros/Zero Kurosa for solving the kaioken x50-x100 baldness glitch.

Updates to this mod won't be as frequent anymore as I'm working on a Fairy Tail mod with Zekros as well as a Hunter X Hunter crossover pack on my own but there will still be updates but maybe every 3 week or so now.


(Screenshots are in this order also screenshot applies for regular and overpowered version and Overpowered Super Saiyan doesn't have one since it's the same as regular super saiyan)

Pure Progress for CaC (Pure Progress (5 Bar), Pure Progress (5 Bar))

Pure Progress for CaC (Pure Progress(5 Bar), Pure Progress (5 Bar))(Overpowered Version)

Pure Progress (Pure Progress (5 Bar), Pure Progress (5 Bar))(Red Hair)

Pure Progress (Pure Progress (5 Bar), Pure Progress (5 Bar))(Red Hair) (Overpowered Version)

Mastered Super Saiyan 1-3 (Mastered Super Saiyan (3 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan 2 (4 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan 3 (5 Bar))

Mastered Super Saiyan 1-3 (Mastered Super Saiyan (3 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan 2 (4 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan 3 (5 Bar))(Overpowered Version)

Super Saiyan 1-3 (Super Saiyan (3 Bar), Super Saiyan 2 (4 Bar), Super Saiyan 3 (5 Bar))(Overpowered Version) (It's just normal but more powerful which is why there are no screenshots.

Villainous Mode (Villainous Mode (No Ki Required))

Villainous Mode (Villainous Mode (No Ki Required))(Overpowered Version)

Villainous Super Saiyan (Villainous Super Saiyan (3 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan 2 (4 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan 3 (5 Bar))

Villainous Super Saiyan (Villainous Super Saiyan (3 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan 2 (4 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan 3 (5 Bar))(Overpowered Version)

Super Villain Giant for CaC (Super Villain Giant (No Ki Required))

Super Villain Giant for CaC (Super Villain Giant (No Ki Required))(Overpowered Version)

Kaioken,X3,X4 (Kaioken (1 Bar), Kaioken X3 (3 Bar), Kaioken X4 (5 Bar))

Kaioken,X3,X4 (Kaioken (1 Bar), Kaioken X3 (3 Bar), Kaioken X4 (5 Bar))(Overpowered Version)

Kaioken,X3,X4 (Kaioken (1 Bar), Kaioken X3 (3 Bar), Kaioken X4 (5 Bar))(Accurate Version)

Kaioken,X10,X20 (Kaioken (1 Bar), Kaioken X10 (3 Bar), Kaioken X20 (5 Bar))

Kaioken,X10,X20 (Kaioken (1 Bar), Kaioken X10 (3 Bar), Kaioken X20 (5 Bar))(Overpowered Version)

Kaioken,X10,X20 (Kaioken (1 Bar), Kaioken X10 (3 Bar), Kaioken X20 (5 Bar))(Accurate Version)

Kaioken,X50,X100 (Kaioken (1 Bar), Kaioken X50 (3 Bar), Kaioken X100 (5 Bar))

Kaioken,X50,X100 (Kaioken (1 Bar), Kaioken X50 (3 Bar), Kaioken X100 (5 Bar))(Overpowered Version)

Kaioken,X50,X100 (Kaioken (1 Bar), Kaioken X50 (3 Bar), Kaioken X100 (5 Bar))(Accurate Version)

Super Kaioken (Mastered Super Saiyan (1 Bar), Super Kaioken (3 Bar), Super Kaioken X10 (5 Bar))

Super Kaioken (Mastered Super Saiyan (1 Bar), Super Kaioken (3 Bar), Super Kaioken X10 (5 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Super Kaioken 2 (Mastered Super Saiyan 2 (1 Bar), Super Kaioken 2 (3 Bar), Super Kaioken 2 X10 (5 Bar))

Super Kaioken 2 (Mastered Super Saiyan 2 (1 Bar), Super Kaioken 2 (3 Bar), Super Kaioken 2 X10 (5 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

False Super Saiyan (False Super Saiyan (3 Bar))

False Super Saiyan (False Super Saiyan (3 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

False Super Saiyan to Super Saiyan (False Super Saiyan (3 Bar), Super Saiyan (4 Bar))

False Super Saiyan to Super Saiyan (False Super Saiyan (3 Bar), Super Saiyan (4 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Super Saiyan Blue (Super Saiyan (God Ki) (1 Bar), Super Saiyan God (3 Bar), Super Saiyan Blue (5 Bar)

Super Saiyan Blue (Super Saiyan (God Ki) (1 Bar), Super Saiyan God (3 Bar), Super Saiyan Blue (5 Bar)(Overpowered Version)

Super Saiyan God (Full Power Super Saiyan (3 Bar), Super Saiyan God (4 Bar)

Super Saiyan God (Full Power Super Saiyan (3 Bar), Super Saiyan God (4 Bar) (Overpowered Version)

God Infused Ki Super Saiyan (Super Saiyan (God Ki) (3 Bar), Super Saiyan 2 (God Ki) (4 Bar), Super Saiyan 3 (God Ki) (5 Bar) It looks the same as normal Super Saiyan which is why there are no screenshots.

God Infused Ki Super Saiyan (Super Saiyan (God Ki) (3 Bar), Super Saiyan 2 (God Ki) (4 Bar), Super Saiyan 3 (God Ki) (5 Bar) (Overpowered Version) It looks the same as normal Super Saiyan which is why there are no screenshots.

Super Saiyan Ikari (Super Saiyan 2 (3 Bar), Super Saiyan Ikari (4 Bar))

Super Saiyan Ikari (Super Saiyan 2 (3 Bar), Super Saiyan Ikari (4 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Super Saiyan Crimson (Super Saiyan God (1 Bar), Super Saiyan Blue (3 Bar), Super Saiyan Crimson (5 Bar))

Super Saiyan Crimson (Super Saiyan God (1 Bar), Super Saiyan Blue (3 Bar), Super Saiyan Crimson (5 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Super Saiyan Black (Super Saiyan Blue (3 Bar), Super Saiyan Crimson (4 Bar), Super Saiyan Random (5 Bar))

Super Saiyan Random (Super Saiyan Blue (3 Bar), Super Saiyan Crimson (4 Bar), Super Saiyan Black (5 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

God Of Destruction (God Of Destruction (5 Bar))

God Of Destruction (God Of Destruction (5 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Supreme Kai (Supreme Kai (5 Bar))

Supreme Kai (Supreme Kai (5 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Villainous Super Saiyan Blue (Villainous Super Saiyan (God Ki) (1 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan God (3 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan Blue (5 Bar))

Villainous Super Saiyan Blue (Villainous Super Saiyan (God Ki) (1 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan God (3 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan Blue (5 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Villainous Super Saiyan God (Villainous Full Power Super Saiyan (3 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan God (4 Bar))

Villainous Super Saiyan God (Villainous Full Power Super Saiyan (3 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan God (4 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

God Infused Ki Villainous Super Saiyan (Villainous Super Saiyan (God Ki) (3 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan 2 (God Ki) (4 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan 3 (God Ki) (5 Bar))

God Infused Ki Villainous Super Saiyan (Villainous Super Saiyan (God Ki) (3 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan 2 (God Ki) (4 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan 3 (God Ki) (5 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Villainous Super Saiyan Ikari  (Villainous Super Saiyan 2 (3 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan Ikari (4 Bar))

Villainous Super Saiyan Ikari  (Villainous Super Saiyan 2 (3 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan Ikari (4 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Villainous Super Saiyan Crimson (Villainous Super Saiyan God (1 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan Blue (3 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan Crimson (5 Bar))

Villainous Super Saiyan Crimson (Villainous Super Saiyan God (1 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan Blue (3 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan Crimson (5 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Villainous Super Saiyan Black (Villainous Super Saiyan Blue (3 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan Crimson (4 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan Black (5 Bar))

Villainous Super Saiyan Black (Villainous Super Saiyan Blue (3 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan Crimson (4 Bar), Villainous Super Saiyan Black (5 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Villainous God Of Destruction (Villainous God Of Destruction (5 Bar))

Villainous God Of Destruction (Villainous God Of Destruction (5 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Villainous Supreme Kai (Villainous Supreme Kai (5 Bar))

Villainous Supreme Kai (Villainous Supreme Kai (5 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Mastered Super Saiyan Blue (Mastered Super Saiyan (God Ki) (1 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan God (3 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan Blue (5 Bar))

Mastered Super Saiyan Blue (Mastered Super Saiyan (God Ki) (1 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan God (3 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan Blue (5 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Mastered Super Saiyan God (Mastered Super Saiyan (3 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan God (4 Bar))

Mastered Super Saiyan God (Mastered Super Saiyan (3 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan God (4 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Mastered Super Saiyan (God Ki Infused) (Mastered Super Saiyan (God Ki) (3 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan 2 (God Ki) (4 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan 3 (God Ki) (5 Bar))

Mastered Super Saiyan (God Ki Infused) (Mastered Super Saiyan (God Ki) (3 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan 2 (God Ki) (4 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan 3 (God Ki) (5 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Mastered Super Saiyan Ikari (Mastered Super Saiyan 2 (3 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan Ikari (4 Bar))

Mastered Super Saiyan Ikari (Mastered Super Saiyan 2 (3 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan Ikari (4 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Mastered Super Saiyan Crimson (Mastered Super Saiyan God (1 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan Blue (3 Bar), Mastered Saiyan Crimson (5 Bar))

Mastered Super Saiyan Crimson (Mastered Super Saiyan God (1 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan Blue (3 Bar), Mastered Saiyan Crimson (5 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Mastered Super Saiyan Black (Mastered Super Saiyan Blue (3 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan Crimson (4 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan Black (5 Bar))

Mastered Super Saiyan Black (Mastered Super Saiyan Blue (3 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan Crimson (4 Bar), Mastered Super Saiyan Black (5 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

True Justice (True Justice (3 Bar))

True Justice (True Justice (3 Bar)) (Overpowered Version)

Things you should know:

The Overpowered Versions are how I have them how it works is ssj is 10% boost, ssj2 is 20% boost (so it's double ssj like the actual multiplier) and ssj3 is 80% boost (so it's quadruple ssj2 like the actual multiplier).

Mastered Super Saiyan for each stage is a little higher. For the normal version mastered super saiyan is a little higher then normal super saiyan's.

Pure Progress 1 is a 100% boost and Pure Progress 2 is a 120% boost though that's only for overpowered version the normal version is how the game files put it as.

Mastered Super Saiyan doesn't have an aura while standing but does while boosting and charging just like Pure Progress.

Accurate versions are practically useless as how it works is it's a little accurate in multiplier as kaioken x100 is equal to overpowered ssj2 and it consumes a lot of stamina so it's almost useless as well as that the lower kaiokens have next to no boost.

Super Saiyan Black was meant to be Super Saiyan Blue 3 but then it had some problems and sometimes I had blue hair, sometimes black, sometimes white, sometimes pink, sometimes purple, sometimes brown....

Super Saiyan Random has took a liking to Black for the past day if it carries on I might need to rename it Super Saiyan Black.... (EDIT: It is now Super Saiyan Black

In the God Of Destruction transformation, I'm not just wearing the outfit it makes you equip Beerus' clothes if you're a Saiyan or Human or Champa's Clothes if you're Namekian, Frieza or Majin.

In the Supreme Kai transformation, I'm not just wearing the outfit it makes you equip Supreme Kai's clothes.

Villainous Super Saiyan Random is constantly turning black like the normal one, I think in the next update it will be renamed to Super Saiyan Black and Villainous Super Saiyan Black.

True Justice is based off of Toppo's aura against Goku in DBS, I made this for the Jiren mod but had to edit his .dyt files for the skill to work with him.

Known Problems

The animation on Pure Progress is incorrect this is because when copying the Pure Progress skill it doesn't give the animation for it so I used this animation as placeholder until I figure it out (if I can).

The second transformation on Pure Progress has the wrong text as well as it's animation not working but it does work with 5 ki bars.

Normal Kaioken in the Kaioken, X50, X100 skill makes you bald.

Use Eternity's installer and click on the downloaded x2m and it will install.

1.0 Added Pure Progress for CaC

1.1 Added Pure Progress for CaC (Overpowered Version)

2.0 Added Mastered Super Saiyan

2.1 Added Mastered Super Saiyan (Overpowered Version)

3.0 Added Super Saiyan (Overpowered Version)

4.0 Villainous Update:

Added Villainous Mode, Villainous Super Saiyan 1-3, Super Villain Giant for CaC and all of their overpowered versions.

4.5 You can now have both the normal and overpowered versions installed at once.

5.0 Kaioken Update:

Added Kaioken,X3,X4. (Normal,Overpowered and Accurate versions)

Added Kaioken,X10,20. (Normal, Overpowered and Accurate versions)

Added Kaioken,X50,100 (Normal, Overpowered and Accurate versions)

Pure Progress no longer has red hair I'll change the screenshot tomorrow (as of Thursday 9th March 2017).

Special thanks to lazybone for telling me how to solve the red hair in Pure Progress.

6.0 Super Kaioken Update:

Added Super Kaioken

Added Super Kaioken (Overpowered Version)

Added Pure Progress (Red Hair Version) (Out of request)

Added Pure Progress (Red Hair Version) (Overpowered Version)

6.5 Updated link to mega

7.0 Super Kaioken 2 Update:

Added Super Kaioken 2

Added Super Kaioken 2 (Overpowered Version)

8.0  False Super Saiyan Update:

Added False Super Saiyan

Added False Super Saiyan (Overpowered Version)

Added False Super Saiyan to Super Saiyan

Added False Super Saiyan to Super Saiyan (Overpowered Version)

9.0 God Update:

Added Super Saiyan God

Added Super Saiyan God (Overpowered Version)

Added Super Saiyan Blue

Added Super Saiyan Blue (Overpowered Version)

Added God Ki Infused Super Saiyan

Added God Ki Infused Super Saiyan (Overpowered Version)

Added Super Saiyan Ikari

Added Super Saiyan Ikari (Overpowered Version)

Added Super Saiyan Crimson

Added Super Saiyan Crimson (Overpowered Version)

Added Super Saiyan Random

Added Super Saiyan Random (Overpowered Version)

Added God Of Destruction

Added God Of Destruction (Overpowered Version)

Added Supreme Kai

Added Supreme Kai (Overpowered Version)

10.0 Villainous God Update

Added Villainous Super Saiyan God

Added Villainous Super Saiyan God (Overpowered Version)

Added Villainous Super Saiyan Blue

Added Villainous Super Saiyan Blue (Overpowered Version)

Added God Ki Infused Villainous Super Saiyan

Added God Ki Infused Villainous Super Saiyan (Overpowered Version)

Added Villainous Super Saiyan Ikari

Added Villainous Super Saiyan Ikari (Overpowered Version)

Added Villainous Super Saiyan Crimson

Added Villainous Super Saiyan Crimson (Overpowered Version)

Added Villainous Super Saiyan Random

Added Villainous Super Saiyan Random (Overpowered Version)

Added Villainous God Of Destruction

Added Villainous God Of Destruction (Overpowered Version)

Added Villainous Supreme Kai

Added Villainous Supreme Kai (Overpowered Version)

Fixed God Of Destruction's Animation

God Of Destruction now costs 5 Ki Bars

11.0 Mastered God Update

Added Mastered Super Saiyan God

Added Mastered Super Saiyan God (Overpowered Version)

Added Mastered Super Saiyan Blue

Added Mastered Super Saiyan Blue (Overpowered Version)

Added Mastered Super Saiyan (God Ki Infused)

Added Mastered Super Saiyan (God Ki Infused) (Overpowered Version)

Added Mastered Super Saiyan Ikari

Added Mastered Super Saiyan Ikari (Overpowered Version)

Added Mastered Super Saiyan Crimson

Added Mastered Super Saiyan Crimson (Overpowered Version)

Added Mastered Super Saiyan Black

Added Mastered Super Saiyan Black (Overpowered Version)

Added True Justice

Added True Justice (Overpowered Version)

Changed Super Saiyan Random's name to Super Saiyan Black

Changed Villainous Super Saiyan Random's name to Villainous Super Saiyan Black

Changed the aura of Super Saiyan Black (Previously Super Saiyan Random)


Fixed the glitch in kaioken x50-x100 where you have no hair.

Fixed the missing files in the download.

  • 6Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
271.85 kB
Credit given to modders
April 19, 2017


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  • 6Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
271.85 kB
Credit given to modders
April 19, 2017

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