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Transformations based on lazybone

For several years, I've been keeping this mod up-to-date and full of life, alongside a passionate community of transformation enthusiasts. I offer a wide range of transformations with various variations for each mod, and with each new update, I continue to create even more. For people like you who have transformation ideas in mind, I'm always available on my Discord, where you can make requests, as long as you follow the format available in the requests section of the Discord itself. If you need support, my Discord is the place where you can find the assistance you require.


What you'll find in this mod:

-Various transformations; -Different statistics for each stage, with some similarities; -Hair customization in the transformations; -Option to add more hair styles to the game; -Choice of whether or not to include a tail (Movesets need to be compatible with tails); -Transformations from the manga and anime, such as Ultra Ego and Legendary Super Saiyan; -Transformations based on fan ideas, such as God Evolution and Rose 4; -Size changes in some transformations.


Authorization and Credits: lazybone I sent him a message but I haven't heard back from him so far, even after 2 months (if he wants to remove it, just talk to me privately and I'll remove all the 'new transformations' resources).

I tried to talk to these two but I couldn't, but they both want credits so I can use them. Azura95 ThatGuyNamedTed

These guys gave me permission in private funfordiego Lecu.ean NieOrginalny HiroZX

I recommend that everyone looks at the work of these modders mentioned, they all have incredible work in our community, the links of the mods of each one that was used in TBL is in a file called Credits.txt when opening the file has the name of the author and next to the link below has credits for the community and at the end for me.

The files present in TBL belong to me, so if you use any of them, credit me.

If you find any misunderstandings and want to talk about it, you can contact me on my discord.

If you donate I will be immensely grateful,

Paypal Link1: Link2:

If you want to ask for help, report problems, follow the development of the mod, vote on future features or just chat, here's the Discord link:

If mega asks for the key, here it is: Decryption key mega: rNyi52IwLz3mvvt5DWlcqg


1- First install the "new transformations"

2- Second install "Azura’s Aura Pack"

3- Third install "Auras_and_Models"

4- Then install X2M it using XV2INS.



1- Primeiro instale "new transformations"

2- Segundo instale "Azura’s Aura Pack"

3- Terceiro instale "Auras_and_Models"

4- Em seguida, instale o X2M usando o XV2INS.

-5.3 ADD -Tranformations total (468)-

Updated installer code.

Return of sizes in some transformations

Models with missing files fixed.

Some transformations have had their models updated.

Time breaker hair color fixed.

All .bac files have been updated.

Updating old version names.

The bug whereby some transformations had effects from the previous one, such as self-dodging, life loss/recovery and visual effects, has been fixed.


-5V.2 ADD -Tranformations total (431)-

Potential Unleashed fixed.

Beast fixed.

Tail animation added to the new animations.

Fixed HUF/SYF skeleton.

Frost demon race transformations added.


-5V.1 ADD -Tranformations total (384)-

More transformations.

The eyes of Super Saiyan 5 are now red.

The installer provides the colors of the lazybone installer.

New hair in the installer.

Updated files .bac and .bcm.

Now the transformation skip is possible.

Added detransformation animation.

SYF has gained files for the OMNI and OMNI SS3 transformations.

Due to the numerous errors and issues, the size alteration of the CAC in all transformations has been removed.

New hair and eye (ssj5).

New face (ssj5 and ssj4).

New hair SSJ Rose Full Power.

Updated Kaioken Transformation Statistics.

-5V ADD -Tranformations total (181)-

More transformations.

Group on Discord was created: You can take doubts, report problems, ask for a personized transformation for your own use, make requests for transformation for this mod, 'News' samples of what I'm doing in mod, message to talk to me and the community, 'Donation' tab if you want to support the mod and contribute some value you choose.

New tabs on the 'More Hair' and 'Tails' installer.

SSJ5 had a new color chosen for the eye line

New hair available for transformations.

False Super Saiyan Statistics Updated.

Editions within .dyt files.

New bust models.

New tail models.

New hair models.

Changes in the 'Costume' code.

New Eyes for 'Ultra Ego' (only SYF).

New Aura for (UI Sign, Uis4 Sign).

Evil Saiyan UI Sign has a problem in the transformation animation (the eyes are over the eyelid).


-4V.4.1 -Bug Fix-

Combat Pose changed for having a bug, when equipped in humans earned the dead pose (UI Sign and Mui)


-4V.4 ADD -Tranformations total (165)-

More transformations.

'Blue Full Power' Renamed for 'Blue Perfect'.

new installer version 1.4.1.

New text files to help find Lazybone transformations.

add textures (To remove the bug that DBX2 1.18 brought).

The 'NO HAIR' version still contains some problems with textures.


-4V.3 ADD -Tranformations total (149)-

Update Instaler Auras and Models.

More transformations.

Eyes Update (SS4, SS4kk, SS4 Limit Breaker).

Improved status (Blue Full Power).

Update SYM Eyes (SS1, SS2, Rose, Blue, Blue KK).

Problem in aura 'rose' corrected.

New Auras (SSRose Kaioken, SSGod Berserker).

New system in Auras_and_Models.exe.

New IDs.


-4V.2 ADD -Tranformations total (139)-

100 Full Power Controled for Super Saiyan Full Power Controlled.

SSRage and Rage Controlled Update (Hair).

New Auras (SSBlue Berserk Controlled).

More transformations.

Update SSGod female (face_forehead).

New IDs.


-4V.1.1 (The new update 1.16 caused many problems)

Repaired problem.

Bonus: Hair repaired (SS4 LB, SS5, USS5).


-4V.1 ADD: -Tranformations total (99)-

More transformations.

Aura and Animation Update (SS4 Limit Breaker).

New Auras (Time Breaker, Evil Saiyan, SS Beserker, SSBlue Berserker).

New Eye Models (SS4 all).

New Model face (SS3, Evil SS, Rose 3, UIS3).

New IDs.


-4V ADD: -Tranformations total (83)-

More transformations.

Textures for some transformation (FSS, SS4LB, USS4, SSROSE 4, USS5).

Update SS5 female (body).

Update Hair SS4.

Fixed error in IDs.

New IDs.

New two auras (SSJ3KK, SSJ4KK).

Alone versions of all transformations.


-3V ADD: 10 new transformations

SS1 - SS2 - SS3 - SS4 - SS4 Limit Breaker - God - Blue - Blue Kaioken - Blue Kaioken X10 - Blue Kaioken X20 - UI - Mastered UI.

SS1 - SS2 - SS4 - SS5 - Blue - Blue Evolution - UI.

SS1 - SS2 - SS3 - SS4 - SS5 - Blue - Blue Evolution.

SS1 - SS2 - SS3 - God - Blue - Blue Evolution.

SS1 - SS2 - SS3 - God.

SS1 - SS1 Kaioken - SS2 - SS4 - SS5 - God - God Evolution.

SS1 - SS2 - SS3 - SS4 - SS4 Limit Breaker - SS5 - God - God Evolution - Blue - Blue Kaioken - Blue Evolution Kaioken - UI - Mastered UI.

SS1 - SS1 Kaioken - SS2 - SS3 - SS4 - SS4 Limit Breaker - God - Blue - Blue Kaioken - Blue Kaioken X10 - Blue Kaioken X20 - Blue Evolution - UI - Mastered UI.

SS1 - SS2 - SS3 - SS4 - SS5 - God - Blue.

SS1 - SS2 - SS3 - SS4 - SS5.


-2V ADD: 3 new transformations

SS1 - SS2 - SS3 - God - Blue - Blue Kaioken X20 - Rose - Blue Evolution - 100 Full Power Controled - UI - Mastered UI.

SS1 - SS2 - SS3 - SS4 - SS5 - God - Blue - Rose - Rose 3 - Rose Evolution - UI - Mastered UI.

SS1 - SS2 - SS3 - SS4 - God - Blue - Blue Kaioken X20 - Blue Evolution.


-1V ADD: SS1 - SS2 - SS3 - SS4 - God - Blue - Blue Kaioken X20 - Rose - Blue Evolution - UI - Mastered UI.


  • 4Mods
  • 14Followers

File size
62.42 MB
Credit given to modders
lazybone, Azura95, ThatGuyNamedTed, funfordiego, Lecu.ean, NieOrginalny, HiroZX, ERIC.DEUCHER
July 22, 2024


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  1. I no longer check this chat. If you want to make a transformation request, keep up with mod updates, or seek help with anything related to the mod, please join my Discord:

    Eu não olho mais este chat, caso queira fazer um pedido de transformação, acompanhar atualização do mod ou pedir ajuda com algo relacionado ao mod peço que entre no meu Discord:

    1. Hello, I hadn’t realized that the chat had been cleared, so this error you mentioned seems like you have some moveset installed, so the issue is not with my mod. Just do a clean installation, and you’ll see that my mod is working fine.

  • 4Mods
  • 14Followers

File size
62.42 MB
Credit given to modders
lazybone, Azura95, ThatGuyNamedTed, funfordiego, Lecu.ean, NieOrginalny, HiroZX, ERIC.DEUCHER
July 22, 2024

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