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Transformed Faces for CaC

Based on my previous mod, I made this mod with the intention that it can be adapted to the mod of Lazybone transformations, I hope it is to your liking.


Faces Included in the pack:



-Super Saiyan 1.

-Super Saiyan 2.

-Super Saiyan Rage.

-Super Saiyan God.

-Super Saiyan Rose.

-Super Saiyan Blue.

-Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x20.

-Super Saiyan Blue Evolution.

-Ultra Instinct -Signar-.

-Perfect Ultra Instinct.

(The eyes of the SSBE, UI-S- and PUI transformations have 2 versions:

v1: Original Iris (Big).

v2: Adapted Iris (Little).)


Goku SS3:

-Super Saiyan 3

(Read the "Fix eyes.txt" to solve the problem of the gray eyes of the Super Saiyan 3)


Goku SS4:

Super Saiyan 4.


Goku SSG:

-Super Saiyan God.


Goku UI Calm Eyes:

-Ultra Instinct - Signar-. 

-Perfect Ultra Instinct.

(In case you dislike the facial expressions of the Ultra Instinct with calm eyes, just replace the files "HUM_270_Face_forehead.fce.ean" & "HUM_271_Face_forehead.fce.ean" by those inside the Angry Eyes folder)


Upcoming updates:

-Super Saiyan Rose face.

2.0 (26-08-2018)

Initial release.

2.1 (27-08-2018)

I Added SS4 face.

I Added a new option for eyes (With and Without Pupil)

I Added a Tutorial (Images) for fix SS3 eyes.

  • 15Mods
  • 14Followers

Credit given to modders
September 3, 2018


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  1. Thanks for fucking up my game with your shitty ass mod! Now I have to figure out how to restore the default faces/eyes because its giving me infinite loading screens AND they make CACs look stupid. Learn to mod without messing up people’s games dumbass

    1. Or, here’s an idea, don’t install a mod that was last updated almost 5 years ago expecting it to work. There’s been so many updates since this was last updated, so ofc it’s not going to work dumbass.

  2. Hey so I got the SS4 fixed for HUM but I tried to do the same for a x2m CaC. (the 3l code is TKF so its easy to explain). So I put all the HUM files into the TKF Folder, that didnt do the job so i tried unnaming the files to TKF.xxz, still didnt do the job.
    Does anybody here know a Fix?

  3. Alright, so since there’s essentially no explanation or instructions on how to install the eyes, I am going to give a concise explanation right now.

    When you open the initial folder, you’ll see “HUM_000_Face_base.emb.” You’ll want to copy and paste that into your HUM (or other three letter file if you’re making an X2M), replace the number with the base/transformation eye you’re trying to replace, and change “base” to “forehead.” The only reason you’d know to do this is if you did research on how to convert a CaC to an X2M file-by-file, which is utterly ridiculous.

    And, that’s actually it if you’re doing a CaC I believe. If you’re doing an X2M, you probably know what you’re doing from here on out. 🙂

  4. Dude didn’t even bother doing an installation guide and just let it leave it at that, I tried installing this MANY TIMES with the base file and all but I always end up with an eye without an outline of some sort. Idk what’s wrong with this man, can someone help me?

    1. This mod does not install using XV2.INS. You have to go into the “Angry eyes” folder -> “transformations” -> grab all files within eyes+faces, then place them in your data/HUM folder. Do the same thing for SSJ4 and SSJ God. The reason why there is a “base state” folder within each folder is becuase it is optional to have it… well, on your base cac.

      Ui/evolution and SSJ God have two variants. The Ui in the outside of the main folder is the one Ui Goku in game has. If You don’t want that one, the one in Angry eyes has the normal mad face with Ui pupils—same for evoloution.

      You must also make sure to drag in “HUM_000_Face_base.emb.” Doing so will give you the proper black outline for all faces. If you want to mix and match faces with different transformations, read the ID thing to change the numbers (e.g., 245 -> 263) for different transformations for different faces

  5. What bothers me is we have mods like this that potentially could change so much in xenoverse 2 for the better but no one on the internet knows how to do it, at least no one that gives a crap to make a tutorial on it, the hair is pretty simple but the eyes are a totally different matter all together.

  6. You know this mod seems super awesome, however so far the super saiyan 4 eyes and pupils do not work at all. Everytime I try to install the files into the HUM folder, my cac has the outlined eyes, but his eyes are closed, and he can only select one type of pupil, Style 63 is the only pupil it will let me select because with the super saiyan 4 eyes its the only pupil to select. So I dont know whats wrong with these files but i’ve done it every way imaginable to get it to work and it just wont. If anyone could give me any tips I would appreciate it. The main way I tried it was take the HUM_000_face_base.emb and I dragged that over into my HUM folder and renamed it “HUM_014_face_base.emb” and dragged over the files from the “SSJ4 > Base” folder and renamed them to have “014” in their name so for example “HUM_014_face_eye.emb”, but still nothing is working. I don’t know what to do, maybe it’s just not compatible with the current version of xenoverse 2?

          1. Ok. So I played around with all the files inside this download and figured out how to get the outlines for the eyes.
            And now I feel really stupid…
            The “HUM_000_Face_base.emb” that you can find at the very bottom as soon as you open the “Transformed faces” file. That is the base for every single eye. You rename the 000 part into the Face ID you wish to apply it too (not sure if it’s everything but I’m pretty sure it’s almost everything).

            Apply that base to every Face ID you want to apply it to (I.E. Base, SSJ, SSJ2, SSG, SSGSS, etc) then open the game again. You should see the outlines clear as day.

        1. I believe what the person is trying to say is, if you notice, there are 2 seperate folders under “Angry eyes”. You want to install what’s in the “Faces” folder first, then “Eyes”. For SSj4, install what’s in the “Forehead” folder first, (256 for reg SSj4, 264 for Super Vegeta 4), and then the eyes. I’m not 100% sure, because I’m playing an older version of the game, and mine are already installed, but try that, and let me know if it works

  • 15Mods
  • 14Followers

Credit given to modders
September 3, 2018

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