Transformed Male Hair #11

As requested I ported my old female transformable hair to male skeleton.
Those are only the hair models, to make it work you'll need to load them in 297 and 298 partsets of HUM.bcs. I don't give the correct bcs file as it would make this mod incompatible with almost everything that is using Mod Installer.
If you already have a transformable hair mod, then you can just replace those files for mine, just change the names if necessary.
UPDATE: I resized SSJ hair as requested. Also, I added a "Gohan bang" to SSJ2 hair but there is a no-Bang version if somebody liked the previous one.
1)Add the Hair part into 297 and 298 partsets of HUM.bcs Set the model id's to 110 and 210 respectively.
2)Paste the files into data/chara/HUM folder
1.0 Release
1.1 SSJ hair is bigger, SSJ2 hair got a single bang of hair down