True Super Saiyan God for CaC – Now for both male and female Saiyans
Guess who's back... Me... hahahahaa...
Anyway, before I start saying what the mod does (and will do), can I just say how hard it is to get all of this done - I whittled down 9,374 files down to 188 I think. That took... a long time... on it's own, none stop. Without further ado, though...
This mod makes all hairstyles change to True Super Saiyan God (white hair) upon turning SSJ1/2/3. As a bonus, I've retextured EVERY ACCESSORY IN THE GAME (with hair on show) to change from whatever colour it was to white.
Also, there's one Easter Egg in this mod - Launch's wig is now cell shaded, and upon transforming, it turns to angry Launch's hair (yellow, and also cell shaded)
All your saiyan CaCs can be Gods. I'll also add more screenshots, and two of Launch's wig
Detail time
Firstly, download "CriPacks" libxenoverse tools
Next, locate DBXV2 game directory. Once you're in their, copy and past the libxenoverse files "bin" and "XENOVERSE PATCHER".
Easy, right.
Finally, in the main game dir "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2", create a folder called "data". In that file (at least for this mod) add a folder called "chara", then add the files from the mod, so "HUF" and "HUM", to that.
Done - the mod is installed, and you can now be the God you've always wanted to be
Have fun!
1.0 - Initial release
1.01 - Added all male files (need to do beards as well)
- Still to add -
Screenshots of male saiyans, and launch's wig