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Trunks CAC Hair Pack

A set of Trunks hairstyles to use for your player character. Includes the following, in the order of the screenshots:

  • Base (Super)
  • Legendary Super Saiyan (Broly's hairstyle, looks pretty Trunksy)
  • Super Saiyan (Long)
  • Super Saiyan (Short)
  • Super Saiyan (Super)

I did not model any of these hairstyles - see credits below. I just put them together because I happen to be using them and figured other people might want an easy way to get them all. Super Saiyan (Short), the Future Trunks SSJ hairstyle from Z, has a seam in the back from making it fit on player characters, since Trunks has a weird head. If anyone could help me fix that, I'd appreciate it!

All are just hairstyle 5 for the time being, but I included the .dyt files for the colors seen in the screenshots. By default, Base (Super) is colorable, Legendary Super Saiyan is greenish yellow, and everything else is the regular Super Saiyan color. I also included an extra .dyt file in the root that will make any of the styles colorable if used as default hair.

Credits :

  1. Choose the hairstyle(s) you want
  2. Rename hairstyles with hair IDs desired (005 is the long Trunks hair that is part of the base game)
  3. Copy the desired hairstyles in your data/chara/hum folder
  4. See description above for which .dyt files do what
  • 1.0: Initial upload
  • 4Mods
  • 5Followers

File size
2.24 MB
Credit given to modders
loriscangini for Base (Super) and SSJ (Super), hairstyleslearnbob789 for all other hairstyles, which were posted under XV1 but were easily ported to XV2
June 2, 2017


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  • 4Mods
  • 5Followers

File size
2.24 MB
Credit given to modders
loriscangini for Base (Super) and SSJ (Super), hairstyleslearnbob789 for all other hairstyles, which were posted under XV1 but were easily ported to XV2
June 2, 2017

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