Tryzick’s HAIR PACK 17

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These mods are not to be uploaded anywhere else! link only to this video if showcasing! this also includes NO CACX2M!
Hey folks! coming at you again with another HAIR PACK of custom hairstyles! some old, some new but this time both male and female hairs are present!
For those wondering about the armour, that is the armor of Trakai and will be coming soon enough!
Hair names in order of appearance:
1. Hawk Hair 2. Trakai (Bandanna) 3. Trakai (No Bandanna) 4. Long Female Hair (DBO) 5. Long Female SSJ Hair (DBO)
Join my Discord chat at -
Tutorial FighterZ Reshade Custom Outfits -
Male and Female Saiyan/Human FighterZ Reshade -
Namekian FighterZ Reshade -
lklaudat's Dragon Ball FighterZ Texture Mod (FULL ROSTER COMPLETE) -
How to mod your game -
Music - DBZ UT: Aftermath
Intro - DBZ UT: Rising Force
Base Form Outro Art by MAD-54 -
LSSJ Outro Art by MAD-54 -
All rights to Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 belong too:
Developer: Dimps
Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Created by: Akira Toriyama
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read me file
you I noticed hair mods you did a lot of them but you don’t bother to say what the hair will be for this file just names and here is even the mod page it’s the same as a photo and that’s all you could have put the hair you did in a picture with their name on it, it will prevent people from getting lost in this mess even your videos are the same you show the hair but with no name that corresponds for example you show hair and you put the name “Pony Tail Hair Extra Spike” this name is a file of the hair pack number 9 and you see this hair pack 9 your name is the same we don’t know what hair you will have for this name ” Pony Tail Hair Extra Spike “seriously make an effort at least to make it easy