Tryzick’s Hair Pack 2

Hey folks! another hair back coming at you with instructions on how to use it inside! so read everything!
These hairs are not to be released anywhere else!
Super Saiyan Rose -
Super Saiyan Blue -
Hair Pack One -
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Transforming Hair Tutorial -
Download Link -
read me file
April 9th 2019 - Finally updated to fix the transparent custom Karoly Base Hair model, enjoy.
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Awesome hair packs! The Super Saiyan Rose and Blue transformations look incredible. Thanks for the detailed instructions and exclusive release!
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Why it doesn’t show on my cac creation
hi the hair mod doesnt work on me, it apperas bugged like a shadow ssj goku hair at the same time with default hair, could you help me where did i got wrong pls, thx man
hi the hair mod doesnt work on me, it apperas bugged like a shadow ssj goku hair at the same time with default hair, could you help me where did i got wrong pls, thx.
Hey Tryzick, I know it’s been a while since you created that mod.
I fell in love with the hair on the very left and made a super saiyan god and ultra-instinct versions of that one.
Are you fine with me releasing those?
Is this mod compatible with Version 1.16 completely? I want to change my CaC’s hairstyle throught the stylist near clothing shop. Will it work?