UI Goku Hair & More| HAIR PACK 18 | Tryzick

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*These mods are not to be uploaded anywhere else! link only to this video if showcasing! this also includes NO CACX2M!*
Hey folks! its been a while since my last mod hasn't it? well lets kick off mods with a hair pack I know some of you are excited for! enjoy!
Hair in order of appearance:
1. Ultra Instinct Goku. 2. Fuu 3. Android 21
Join my Discord chat at - https://discord.gg/GjSYcDK
HAIR PACK 18 - http://www.mediafire.com/file/8s6uoa1tctp84j4/HAIR_PACK_18_-_Tryzick.rar
Tutorial FighterZ Reshade Custom Outfits - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5_xxsNIkQE
Male and Female Saiyan/Human FighterZ Reshade - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RPmrglxS70
Namekian FighterZ Reshade - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doEv5Lw2RxI
lklaudat's Dragon Ball FighterZ Texture Mod (FULL ROSTER COMPLETE) - https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/fighter-z-reshading-pack-resources/
How to mod your game - http://animegamemods.freeforums.net/thread/701/
Music - DBZ UT: Edge of Spirit, Rising Force
Intro - DBZ UT: Rising Force
Base Form Outro Art by MAD-54 - https://mad-54.deviantart.com/
LSSJ Outro Art by MAD-54 - https://mad-54.deviantart.com/
All rights to Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 belong too:
Developer: Dimps
Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Created by: Akira Toriyama
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