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Ultimate Dragonball Music Pack

Let me start off that these are all personal favorites of mine from various sources. I will list tracks down below so you can easily find them in-game, etc. Some do have vocals (Mostly Japanese) so sorry if that is of any inconvenience. Didn't adjust audio so some may be a bit loud or quiet, just mess with game music volume.

Yes, I know the RAR file is huge and I apologize for that. Converting to WAV increases the file size. It was still about 500-600MB before that too.


Battle Themes:


1.) Limit-Break X Survivor (Second Dragonball Super Theme)

2.) Dragonball Z - Vegeta's Super Saiyan Theme

3.) F - Maximum the Hormone (For those unfamiliar with the band, it played in Ressurection F years later when the movie came out)

4.) Dragonball Z - Gohan's Anger

5.) Flow - Hero (Battle of Gods)

6.) Dragonball FighterZ - Land of Kais (For the Suprema Kai map)

7.) Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 - Edge of Spirit

8.) Dragonball Z - Gohan Fights Frieza

9.) Dragonball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi - Rising Force

10.) Dragonball Z - Heroic Trunks Theme

11.) Dragonball Z - SSJ3 Goku's Theme

12.) Dragonball Z - Opening 1 (Cha-la Head Cha-la)

13.) Dragon Ball Z - Gohan's SSJ2 Theme - Unmei no Hi (Tamashii vs Tamashii - Japanese exclusive theme)

14.) Dragonball GT BGM #11 Extended Version (The iconic theme that plays in most GT fights)

15.) Dragonball Opening 1 (Japanese)

16.) Dragonball FighterZ - Beerus' Theme

17.) Dragonball FighterZ - Frieza's Theme

18.) Dragonball Z Dokkan Battle - TEQ Vegito Blue's Theme

19.) Dragonball Z Dokkan Battle - STR Goku Black's Theme

20.) Dragonball Z - Hyperbolic Time Chamber Theme (One of Bruce's best)

21.) Dragonball Z - Ginyu Transformation Theme (Most of you will remember it as Cell's Death Theme)

22.) Dragonball Z Budokai 3 - Main Theme

23.) We Were Angels - Dragonball Z Kageyama Hironobu

24.) Dragonball Z: Bardock, Father of Goku - Solid State Scouter

25.) Dragonball FighterZ - Cell's Theme

26.) Dragonball FighterZ - Goku Black's Theme

27.) Dragonball Final Bout - The Biggest Fight

28.) Dragonball FighterZ - West City (Destroyed)

29.) Dragonball Super - Spirit Bomb Theme

30.) Dragonball Z: History of Trunks - Future Gohan's Death Theme

31.) Dragonball Fusions Final Boss Part 1 Theme

32.) Dragonball Super - "Ultimate Battle" Theme / Ultra Instinct + Beyond Blue Theme - Official Version

33.) Dragonball Z - Super Buu's Theme

34.) Final Form Mira's Theme (Base game; liked it a lot so I kept it in)

35.) ONEPIXEL / LAGRIMA (Dragonball Super's 11th and final ending - Full Version)

36.) Dragonball Super - Goku Black's Theme (Orchestra)

37.) Dragonball FighterZ - Android 21's Theme (True)



Conton City Themes:


1.) Dragonball FighterZ - Android 16's Theme

2.) Dragonball FighterZ - Android 18's Theme

3.) Dragonball FighterZ - Hit's Theme

4.) Dragonball FighterZ - Trunks' Theme

5.) Dragonball GT - SSJ4 Goku's Theme

6.) Dragonball FighterZ - Staff Credits Theme

7.) Dragonball FighterZ - Piccolo's Theme


Rest of Conton City Music is from the Steve Aoki Update/Patch/DLC


Title Screen:


Intro: Dragonball Z Kai - Dragon Soul

Main Menu: Dragonball Super - Limit-Break x Survivor (Instrumental)

Character Select: Dragonball FighterZ - Gohan's Theme

Install instructions: unzip the file, open it up and then drag the "BGM" folder to Data/Sound. If you already have a BGM folder, back it up somewhere in case you ever want to go back to Vanilla.

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Credit given to modders
February 22, 2018


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Credit given to modders
February 22, 2018

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