Ultimate Primal Power: Super Saiyan 4!

A Super Saiyan with the power of a Great Ape! Unlock the ultimate primal power with Super Saiyan 4! -Requires 5 Ki Bars (takes 3 per activation) -Boost Damage (17,5%) -Reduce Damage Taken (17,5%)
It is a "Vanilla Friendly" mod, so you don't need anything else!
I worked with the idea of making the transformation as close as possible to the style of official Beast and Ultra Instinct made by Dimps!
Tail is custom static model so it fits any moveset. (Mod uses Beast stance so if you have a custom moveset, make sure to check that)
(Credits to: Kristal for her amazingly useful DB Legends Assets Drive)
If you like the mod you can check my discord server: https://discord.gg/bgv655eGX6
1.0 - Release
does this work on revamp hairs
This mod needs some fixing.
When using the transformation, stopping any action freezes the character in the last frame of animation they were in. Just by messing around in Photo mode earlier I was able to traverse the whole area on one foot by repeatedly tapping a direction to move in. (That’s just one example)
Honestly it’s a shame. I was really hoping for a Super Saiyan 4 mod that keeps the character’s base hair colour and this is the ONLY one I’ve found.
Some other things that might be nice is to add either the Super Saiyan 3 stance or the Beast stance since they feel imposing and a natural animation progression from the transformation’s animation.
I never had that issue before, also, the transformation does use Beast stance, are you sure is nothing with your moveset?
I am running into this issue as well and I have no move set equipped
Disregard, it worked after I reinstalled some things
Hello, someone can help me.
When even if i have no custom moveset when i transform my caracter freezer.
As a suggestion, could you make the eyes yellow by default?
Can somebody help me with my cac’s animation freezing when i stop moving?
As stated in the description, it is stated that requieres a Moveset with Beast Compatibility, so probably if you have a custom moveset is pretty outdated
Ok Thanks!
The video link for the showcase https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPwnV22ru6s
Where do I find the transformation? I already tried with the beast mode and super saiyan, but still the same, where do I get the ssj4
Check the Skill Shop
what is the id for the hair of the transformation?
This doesn’t work like Lazybones, if you want to change the hair, you have two options:
a) Open the mod with winRaR and Replace the “HUM_10000_Hair” files from the mod files before installing
b) try looking for the new Hair ID you get after installing (it is automatic and different if you have other hair mods) in the data/chara/HUM folder
Why does my character lay down when i transform
Try reinstalling your moveset
It is explained in the description: your moveset probably isn’t even compatible with Beast form
hey what kind of bust is that? It’s similar to a full abbed SSJ4 bust mod i’ve seen with the rist fur, but i’ve never seen it with the regular SSJ4 Abs.
Is a custom model I made, the fur comes directly from Goku’s SS4 hands.
wan comes Project: Destroyer – Vegeta (Ultra Ego), which I have seen patreon
What you saw there are photos of the project in development, I’m still working on it ^^
can you use custom hair with it and would you be able to add limit breaker ssj4 to it in a later update
please finish him off