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Ultimate Reshade Patch 1.3

Adds the Ultimate Reshade for 1.19.x version of the game, featuring the last DLC and "Free" Characters of the roster, and now it Includes Cell 2nd Form and Oolong too!. The main mod is technically finished, but i will try to improve some colors and shading if i have time. And maybe i will bring to you some Ultimate Reshading Mods for Mod Characters or something like that. About CaC Patch and "Simple" and "No Aura" Options: CaC Patch its here! I dont know how, but i did it, but its just for male saiyan/human, and some clothes have non-polished shading (because i do it in the fast way posible that I know) and i dont take to much importance to little details, whatever just test it and if you found some missing textures or some clothes shading that dont like you... please send your feedback. And the shading options will be in the 1.4 update when i decide to start it, and it will be exclusive for Roster (Main Mod).

Ultimate Reshade:

Credits: angealvan (Creator of the Ultimate Reshade)

Future Updates (Cancelled until end of the year "2023"): 1.4 (Lazybone Patch) / 1.5 (Revamp Patch) / 1.6 CaC Patch Part 2 (Pollished CaC Male Saiyan/Human Patch) / 1.7 Mentors Patch (Support for custom mentor costumes) / 1.8 Shading Patch ("Simple" and "No Aura" options for roster) / 1.9 CaC Patch Part 3 (Support for CaC Non-binary races) / 2.0 CaC Patch Final Part (Support for all CaC races).

Just download the last version and drop the data folder in your game directory

1.0 Release

1.1 Improved: Vegeta SSBE (Colors) / Goku UI -Sign- (Hair shading) / Majuub (Skin shading)

Added: Dyspo Transformation Shading (Supersonic mode)

1.2 Improved: Dyspo (Skin colors) / Gamma 1 and 2 (Colors)

Added: Support for Oolong and Cell 2nd Form (Non-roster characters)

1.3 Added: CaC Support for Male Saiyan/Human, includes all clothes and some accesories

  • 18Mods
  • 2Followers

File size
334.67 kB
July 25, 2023


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  1. Anyone have the download file for the original ultimate reshade? This one leads to a page that doesn’t exit it says. I want this for ALL the roster, not just a handful of them. It’s the best shading mod I’ve found and I’ve seen a lot. Please help

  2. Do you plan to do this for all characters or is that just too much? I would love to see Full Power Broly and SSGSS Gogeta have it as well as all the other characters. It’s better than the other Cel shaders I’ve had before

  3. Ultimate Reshade is back!, check the new official update posted by Naviel. So Iยดm probably leaving this mod by now. But Angealvan (now called “Naviel”) didnt update CaC Reshade i suppose. And Ultimate Reshade still needs Revamp or Lazybones compatibility patch, so if i have time i will work on that, but probably i will not do anything until the end of the year. I see you soon…

  4. Hey ! Good job ! Honestly, it’s nice to see an update on this reshade ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Just a small question, do you plan to update your work afterwards to support the Revamp ?

    It would be great to find a complement for the lazybone transformation mods too ! I’m asking for a lot of top in view of the work you have to do ! But anyway, keep it up !

    Strength to you ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. My original idea was bring Ultimate Reshade for the entire base game (without mods), something that is unfinished yet, but i like more your idea of a Revamp/Lazybone compatibility patch than finish CaC patch for all races or do a Mentor patch.

      So wait for 1.4 and 1.5 updates! Because 1.4 will be the lazybone patch and 1.5 the revamp patch.

      And thank you, i’m not spending to much time playing DBXV2, i’m just doing mods and testing it, and thats why i’m not using others mods and i literally forget revamp and lazybone mods xd. So really thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  • 18Mods
  • 2Followers

File size
334.67 kB
July 25, 2023

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