Ultimate Skill Collection (+20 Skills)

Hello Guys! I'm back with a Giant Skill Pack! With mixed topics and various concepts, it includes more than 20 skills and i worked in this a lot of time. Hope ya' enjoy it! Also, it includes a very cool bonus skill.
This skillpack includes 3 categories and 1 bonus:
- Fusion Based Skills (Includes 3 skills)
- Misc. Skills (Includes 7 skills)
- Master Techniques (Includes 3 skills)
- Hidden Techniques (Includes 3 skills)
- Black-Themed Skills (Includes 6 skills)
- Bonus Skill
To mention some of the lot of concepts you can find in this pack, an example is the Super Galick Kamehameha, or the x10 Galick Gun, you also got the Brutal Kamehameha, and as well a lot more.
And about the Bonus, it's about a Barrier that repels every type of attacks and blasts. The cool thing is the effects of it and the concept (A Dimensional Barrier).
GIANT SHOUTOUT TO FreakadeFTW/Multiversal Niro for the showcase video! Check out some of he's mods and videos on he YT channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH2ZfxJI_nqRAOnMt2nvzbQ
As always, these mods are a public modding resource so everyone can use it in their mods. Just credit me in the description.
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Install with XV2Ins
1.0 - Initial Release