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Universal Emperor 5.0

Fine... I'll do it myself...

This is a mod of Frieza (Second Form) and Frieza (Third Form), characters who were noticeably missing from Xenoverse 2 and have yet to receive any REAL mods of.


There are the occasional Patreon Mods, but I decided to take the Breakers Models, clean them up, add Revamp Style DYTs, AO, and voice files, to provide the most XV2 Revamp friendly addition I can produce.

I hope you guys enjoy this super simple, but super necessary mod to help fill out your roster's missing spots.

Tools by Eternity

TCG Cardcast
  • 15Mods
  • 44Followers

File size
18.07 MB
October 30, 2024


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  1. Sportga qiziqqanim uchun onlayn tikish platformasini sinab ko’rishga qaror qildim va do’stimning tavsiyasi bilan Mostbet UZ platformasida ro’yxatdan o’tdim. Bu saytda sportga tikish uchun ko’p turli xil imkoniyatlar mavjud bo’lib, ularni har xil sport turlarida sinab ko’rish mumkin. Men uchun ayniqsa futbol va basketbol bo’yicha tikish qilish qiziqarli bo’ldi va yutuqlarimni oshirishga yordam berdi. Platformaning taklif qiladigan koeffitsiyentlari va sport turlarining keng qamrovi tufayli yangi qiziqarli tajribaga ega bo’ldim. Agar siz ham sportga tikish qilib ko’rishni istasangiz, saytiga kirib, sport turlarini sinab ko’rishingizni tavsiya qilaman. Endi men har bir sport o’yinida qo’shimcha qiziqish bilan ishtirok etaman va yutuqlarni qo’lga kiritish imkoniyatimni oshiryapman.

  2. I hope you’re all doing well! I wanted to share my thoughts on the incredible benefits of using LED video walls for events. Having recently attended a corporate function that utilized a stunning LED wall, I was truly impressed by how it transformed the atmosphere of the event ‘
    One of the most significant advantages of LED video walls is their ability to create a captivating visual experience. The brightness and clarity of the images make everything pop, whether it’s displaying presentations, videos, or live feeds. This engagement can make a huge difference in how information is conveyed and absorbed by the audience.
    Moreover, LED walls are incredibly versatile. They can be customized to fit various event spaces and themes, making them suitable for everything from weddings to conferences. I noticed that the flexibility of the setup allowed the organizers to switch from a vibrant backdrop during the cocktail hour to a more subdued display for the presentations, enhancing the overall experience.
    Another point worth mentioning is the impact on branding. For businesses looking to promote their products or services, having a dynamic LED wall can showcase your brand in a powerful way. It can easily catch the attention of attendees, creating a memorable impression that stands out among typical displays.

TCG Cardcast
  • 15Mods
  • 44Followers

File size
18.07 MB
October 30, 2024

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