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Unleashed’s Transformation Pack

Includes 13 Transformations:

  1. Super Saiyan
  2. Super Saiyan 2
  3. Super Saiyan 3
  4. Super Saiyan 4
  5. Legendary Super Saiyan
  6. Potential Unleashed
  7. Super Saiyan God
  8. Super Saiyan Rose
  9. Super Saiyan Blue
  10. Super Saiyan Blue Evolved
  11. Ultra Instinct Omen
  12. Mastered Ultra Instinct
  13. Ultra Ego

Includes both Hair Change and Non-Hair Change options (Lazybone new transformations) Also includes an All In One for Super Saiyan Transformations


  • Bradinator275 : Super Saiyan God SFX
  • Kristal : DBL Assests
  • Lazybone : Lazybone new transformations
  • Sportiax : SSJ4 Custome
  • TateGuyNamedTed : eyebrows-less forehead for females
  • GamingZVault : LSSJ SFX

Run Common Installer FIRST


Install X2Ms using XV2 Installer by Eternity


1.0 - Released



-Support for game version 1.18

-Added Ultra Instinct Omen as part of the pack

-Rename "Hair Change Transformations" to "NT", and "Non-Hair Change" to "Vanilla"

-Added new "Unleashed" transformation variant, which has partsets that enable you to have the ultra instinct eyes while still keeping the hair color (eyes also will show for MUI)

-Fixed SSJ3 for females (it was trying to load NT partsets for the vanilla variant)

-Adjusted stats for SSJ, SSG, UI Omen, MUI -Added a new Common Installer, that installs various common data needed for some transformation

-Added new options for Ultra Instinct (both states) to include Custom Dodge and No Custom Dodge (part of the new Common Installer)

-Added new transformation lines:

Pack All (SS1 - SS3 - SSG - SSB - PU - UIO - MUI)

Super Saiyan (SSG - SSB)

Ultra Instinct (UI - MUI)




-Removed Redundant MUI Installers, all the data required by the MUI transformations are installed through the Common Installer Now

-Fixed various partset issues with "NT" and "Unleashed" variants

-Fixed bug with Pack All transformation causing an infinite load on "Vanilla" variant with SYF


Fixed Ultra Instinct (UI - MUI) / Vanilla / UI-MUI (Other Races) acting as a Saiyan transformation

Added new Transformations:

  • Super Saiyan 2
  • Legendary Super Sayian
  • Super Saiyan 4
  • Super Saiyan Rose
  • Super Saiyan Blue Evolved
  • Ultra Ego
  • 100Mods
  • 394Followers

Credit given to modders
April 4, 2024


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  1. I got this error when trying to download, anyone know how to fix it?:
    System.Exception: Failed at IDB install phase (CMN/talisman_item.idb.xml). —> System.IO.InvalidDataException: IDB version not supported.
    at Xv2CoreLib.IDB.Parser.Parse() in C:\source\XenoverseTools\XV2 Tools\Xv2CoreLib\IDB\Parser.cs:line 64
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.GetParsedFileFromGame(String path, Xv2FileIO fileIO, Boolean onlyFromCpk, Boolean raiseEx)
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.GetParsedFile[T](String path, Boolean fromCpk, Boolean raiseEx)
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.Install_IDB(String xmlPath, String installPath, Boolean isXml, Boolean useSkipBindings)
    — End of inner exception stack trace —
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.Install_IDB(String xmlPath, String installPath, Boolean isXml, Boolean useSkipBindings)
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.StartInstall()
    at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install.Start()

  2. I keep getting the following error when I run the common installer.exe file:

    Failed at IDB install phase (CMN/talisman_item.idb.xml)
    IDB version not supported

    Is there any way to resolve this issue?

    1. Unfortunately that installer needs to be updated, but most of the transformations can be used without problems just don’t install the UI Omen and UI transformations because the installer is for a custom dodge made by Unleashed

  • 100Mods
  • 394Followers

Credit given to modders
April 4, 2024

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