Unusable Skills

Skills used exclusively by Roster characters made usable for all CaC races. This mod doesn't add new skills via x2m, this just enables skills already in the game (thanks to LazyBones Installer). If you want an X2M Version of these check out BBVenom's mod here: https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/hidden-unplayable-unused-skills/
Some skills have multiple variants with only minor changes between each variant, which is why you might see 2 "Energy jet"s, or 2 "Science Vanish"s.
you can get most of these skills from Parallel Quests OR the skill shop if you don't already have them.
If you find any issues, or want a certain skill to be usable, please let me know in the comments.
Strike Super
- Smile Charge -PQ 39 17 and 18 of the Official History
- Gigantic Slam -PQ 83 Dangerous Duo! Warriors Never rest
- Dragon Thunder -PQ 96 the Shadow Dragons
- Punisher Drive (DBS Gogeta) -PQ 149 Clash of Clones (renamed to Soaring Punisher Drive)
- Final Blow (SSGSSE Vegeta) -12,000 in Skill shop (Renamed to Final Blow Evolved)
- Super Mad Dance (SSGSS Gogeta) -4,500 in Skill shop (Renamed to Super Mad Punisher)
- Life Absorption -7,500 in Skill shop
- Hawk Charge (DB Super Heroes Gohan) -25,000 (renamed to Beast Charge)
- Burst Rush (DB Super Heroes Gohan) -25,000 (Renamed to Beast Rush)
- Android Rush |10,000 (Gamma 1? renamed to "Hero Rush")
- Seasoning Arrows |25,000 (Both)
- Celestial Hammer |10,000
- Beast Charge |10,000 (DB Super Heroes Gohan, renamed to Double Beast Charge. Always extends)
- Arm Crash (Festival) |1,000
- Deadly Dance (Festival) |1,000
- Divine Retribution (Festival)|1,000
- Flash Fist Crush (Festival) |1,000
- Gigantic Omega (Festival)|1,000
- Infinity Rush (Festival) |1,000
- Milky Dance (Festival) |1,000
- Perfect Attack (Festival)|1,000
Blast Supers
- Final Flash (SPA) -PQ 136 Breaking Down the Barrier
- Full Power Energy Wave (Super) -PQ 150 Battle of the Mind
- Power Impact (Full Power Jiren) -15,000 in Skill shop (Renamed to Full Power Impact)
- Atomic Blast (SSGSSE Vegeta) -12,000 in Skill shop (Renamed to Final Atomic Blast)
- Wild Buster(?) -5,000 in Skill shop (Renamed to Wile Buster Extended)
- Big Bang Kamehameha (SSGSS Gogeta) -8,000 in Skill shop (Renamed to Warp Big Bang Kamehameha)
- Masenko (DB Super Heroes Gohan) -25,000 (renamed to Beast Masenko)
- Time Shackles |10,000
- Light of Justice |10,000
- Spiral of Condemnation |10,000
- Flames of Retribution|10,000
- Gamma Blaster |10,000 (Always fully charges, renamed to Gamma Charger)
- Special Beam Cannon |10,000 (Yellow Piccolo)
- Blaster Ball (Festival) |1,000
- Double Sunday (Festival) |1,000
- Feint Shot (Festival) |1,000
- Innocence Bullet (Festival) |1,000
- Justice Crush (Festival) |1,000
- Side Bridge (Festival) |1,000
Other Special
- Darkness Mixer -PQ 97 Insidious plot
- Surging Spirit -PQ 122 The Final Battle before the Final Battle!?
- Pretty Charge -PQ 133 Ribriane's Beauty Lesson
- Maximum Charge (Supreme Kai of Time) -15,000 (Renamed to Holy Charge)
- Final Charge -15,000
- Instant Charge -20,000
Transformation Supers
- Kaioken -1,000
- Kaioken X3 -3000
- Kaioken X20 -20,000
Strike Ultimate
- Final Galick Rush -PQ 137 Tournament of Power round 2
- Appetizing Rush -PQ 140 Spirit Bomb Away
- Impulse Slash (Caulifla) -PQ 147 Caulifla's Saiyan Search (renamed to Impulse Crush)
- Power Rush (Full Power Jiren)- Full Power Jiren PQ 150 Battle of the Mind (Renamed to Full Power Rush
- Super Dragon Flight (DB Super Heroes Gohan) -50,000 (renamed to Super Beast Rush)
- Burning Strike |25,000 (Gamma 1, Renamed to "Heroic Strike")
- Victory Rush |25,000 (Gamma 2, renamed to "Justice Rush")
- Self Desctruct |10,000
- Evil Explosion |20,000 (Ultimate for Yellow Piccolo)
Blast Ultimate
- Father-Son Kamehameha -PQ 38 Power Teams
- Gigantic Meteor (Kale) -PQ 148 Finding out about Fusion Kale
- Super Kamehameha (SSGSS Gogeta) -PQ 131 Fight of the Fusions! Vegito vs Gogeta (renamed to Punisher Kamehameha)
- Zetsumei Bullet -10,000
- Final Explosion (SSGSSE Vegeta) -50,000 (Renamed to Final Explosion Evolved)
- Super Kamehameha (DB Super Heroes Gohan) -150,000 (Renamed to Beast Kamehameha)
- Energy Jet (both) |25,000
- Innocence Breath |20,000 (renamed to Dragon Breath)
- Light Grenade |20,000 (Ultimate for Yellow Piccolo)
- God Punisher (Festival) |5,000
- Super Spirit Bomb (Festival) |5,000
- Instant Severance (Festival) |5,000
- Cookie Beam |1,000
Power-Up Ultimate (Doesn't have it's own tab, shows up under "All")
- Lovely Showtime PQ 135 Ribrianne Defender of Love and Justice
Transformation Ultimates
- Super Saiyan |100,000
- Super Saiyan |200,000
- Super Saiyan |300,000
Strike Evasive
- Elite Barrage |5,000 in Skill shop
- Spirit Slash |5,000 (DBSH Gohan, renamed to Beast Slash)
- Evil Whirlwind |5,000 (Evasive for Beast Gohan) Renamed to Beast Whirlwind
- Evil Flight Strike |5,000 (Evasive for Yellow Piccolo) Renamed to Evil Flail Strike
- Eagle Kick (Festival) |1,000
Blast Evasive
- Flash Strike PQ 137 -9,001 in Skill shop
- Total Evasion PQ 140 -8,000 in Skill shop
- Mighty Explosive Wave (Full Power Jiren) - PQ 150 Battle of the Mind
- Flames of Retribution |10,000
Other Evasive
- Warp -10,000 in Skill shop
- Science Vanish |5,000
- Instant Rise |25,000 (Renamed to Saoring Rise)
- Solar Flare (Festival) |1,000
- Supersonic Mode |100,000
- Pure Progress |100,000
- Super Saiyan (Gogetas version) |100,000
- Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken |100,000
Requires XV2patcher https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohIrtZ39Aqs Extract the .zip and run "Unusable Skills.exe"
1.7.6 Updated to the newest version of the patcher. Cleaned up SSBK
Fixed Cookie Ceam
Removed an experimental and unfinished version of Acid Reworked how Super Saiyan 1, 2, and 3 Ultimates work. They are now their own seperate skill and have a proper "Un-transform" ability By default, skills can now ONLY be obtained from the skill shop. Added: Supersonic Mode Pure Progress Super Saiyan (Gogetas version) Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken Cookie Beam (Thank you sonicsmash328 for diagnosing SSGSSE Vageta)
- Cleaned up Pretty Charge
- Cleaned up Holy Charge
- Cleaned up Flames of Retribution (ESC and SPA)
- Fixed Gigantic Slam having no animation
- Fixed Self Destruct for females
- Fixed Super Spirit bomb (festival) saying it only costs 100 Ki
1.7.1 Added the following skills:
- Arm Crash (Festival)
- Blaster Ball (Festival)
- Deadly Dance (Festival)
- Divine Retribution (Festival)
- Double Sunday (Festival)
- Feint Shot (Festival)
- Flash Fist Crush (Festival)
- Gigantic Omega (Festival)
- Infinity Rush (Festival)
- Innocence Bullet (Festival)
- Justice Crush (Festival)
- Milky Dance (Festival)
- Perfect Attack (Festival)
- Side Bridge (Festival)
- God Punisher (Festival)
- Instant Severance (Festival)
- Super Spirit Bomb (Festival)
- Solar Flare (Festival)
- Eagle Kick (Festival)
- NOT Hellblade Rush (Festival) (It has a sword, I don't know how to approach that yet)
- Removed Heroic Strike (It was a duplicate)
- Removed Hero Rush (It was a duplicate)
- Updated the CUS for the most recent version
- The Names and description are now AutoID (Meaning I won't have to manually change the ID's in the future)
- Update to support version 1.20.01
- Fixed some skills names/descriptions not showing up
- Disabled Super Saiyan Ultimates by default (SSJ ults break the game REALLY hard, download a seperate X2M instead)
- Added the following skills:
- Special Beam Cannon (Special on Yellow Piccolo)
- Evil Explosion (Ultimate for Yellow Piccolo)
- Light Grenade (Ultimate for Yellow Piccolo)
- Evil Whirlwind (Evasive for Beast Gohan) Renamed to Beast Whirlwind
- Evil Flight Strike (Evasive for Yellow Piccolo) Renamed to Evil Flail Strike
- Fixed an issue where the name of "Gamma Charger" was incorectly listed as "Hawk Charge" in the installer
- Renamed Double Beast Charge to Full Beast Charge
- Renamed "Hero rush" to "Gamma rush"
- Removed the version of Time Shackles that would soft lock when used on Corupt Zamasu
- Fixed Energy Jet's Camera
- Added the following skills:
- Instant Charge
- Kaioken (Super)
- Kaioken X3 (Super)
- Kaioken X20 (Super)
- Science Vanish (Both versions)
- Flames of Retribution (Evasive)
- Instant Rise (MUI Goku)
- Innocence Breath (Uub)
- Super Saiyan (Ultimate)
- Super Saiyan 2 (Ultimate)
- Super Saiyan 3 (Ultimate)
1.5.1 Fixed an issue where Beast Charge wasn't using the correct EAN Added the following skills:
- Hawk Charge (DBSH Gohan, always extends)
- Gamma Blaster (Always Charged)
- Spirit Slash (Gohan DB Super Heroes)
1.5: Added the following skills:
- Energy Jet
- Time Shackles
- Seasoning Arrows
- Light of Justice
- Celestial Hammer
- Spiral of Condemnation
- Flames of Retribution
- Android Rush (Gamma)
- Burning Strike (Gamma) Renamed to Heroic Strike
- Victory Rush (Gamma) renamed to Justice Rush
1.4 support for the newest version of the game
Added the following skills:
- Super Dragon Flight (DB Super Heroes Gohan)
- Super Kamehameha (DB Super Heroes Gohan)
- Hawk Charge (DB Super Heroes Gohan)
- Burst rush (DB Super Heroes Gohan)
- Masenko (DB Super Heroes Gohan)
1.3 Added the following Skills
- Zetsumei Bullet
- Final Explosion (SSGSSE Vegeta)
- Final Blow (SSGSSE Vegeta)
- Atomic Blast (SSGSSE Vegeta)
- Super Mad Dance (SSGSS Gogeta)
- Power Impact (Full Power Jiren)
- Wild Buster? (Was called "Unknown Skill" in the skills list, but acts like Wild Buster)
- Big Bang Kamehameha (SSGSS Gogeta)
- Final Charge
- Maximum Charge (Supreme Kai of Time)
- Life Absorption
- Warp
- Elite Barrage
- Added option to put skills in the skill shop
- Fixed an issue where Impulse Crush did nothing if you were transformed
- Drastically reduced file size
- Cleaned up and optimized Father-Son Kamehameha
- Optimized Final Galick Rush
- Cleaned up Full Power Rush
1.1.1: Made changes to the following skills:
- Dragon Thunder: Cleaner animation
- Final Flash: Cleaner animation
- Pretty charge: Cleaner animation
- Appetizing Rush: Cleaner Camera
- Father-Son Kamehameha: Cleaner Camera
- Gigantic Meteor Kale: Cleaner animation, Fixed an issue where starting the move in the ground then moving to the air (and vice versa) Would cancel Kale's animation.
1.1 Made the following skills usable: Punisher Drive (DBS Gogeta), Full power Energy Wave (Super), Super Kamehameha (SSGSS Gogeta), Power Rush (Full Power Jiren), Impulse Slash (Caulifla), Mighty Explosive Wave (Evasive)
1.0 Created
Hey man! Awesome work but I wanted to ask if you were planning to add the new festival skills that dropped (Galaxy breaker, Hellzone grenade, yaddayaddayadaa) any time soon? If not, could I ask how did you make these so I can allow them myself? Sorry for being a nuisance, thank you for everything!
Nyoon, Final Explosion Evolved caused Loading Screen and Evasive Flames of Retribution doesn’t have hitbox. Can you fix them?
Could you add Violet Flash?
Sorry my previous comment didn’t show so I posted it again
Please, could you add Violet Flash (festival)?
Where’s Villainous Mode
Super Hero’s Gohan Potential Unleashed is the exact same as the CaC Potential Unleashed except for the transforming animation, right? Therefore including “Potential Unleashed Evolved” into this mod is redundant. I also imagine Restrained Broly’s Super Saiyan would be too difficult to make work since it changes his attack animations and that would interfere with the CaCs’ movesets?
Super hero’s Gohan’s Potential Unleashed isn’t on my to-do list. But Broly’s Super Saiyan IS going in, but heavily tweaked
Thank you for updating 🙏
it says “IDB version not supported” or something on every skill/transformation/evasive, how to fix that?
The mod is out dated, when I get the chance I’ll update it to the latest version.