Vegeta From YT Channel “DB Sprite Fight” transformable to SSJ1-G-B with or without Cel-shading

This is Vegeta from this YT Channel:
First: A BIG THANKS for these guys:
B1ack Wolf for let me use his model of SSG Vegeta mod.
Mastaklo for let me use his Baby Vegeta's gloves (even if they are already in the game)
Silverstriker525 for his "atomic shot" skill mod
SKB95 for his "Big bang attack II" skill mod
Go check the mods of all of these, they are awesomes.
This mod contains 2 files:
- Vegeta transformable to SSJ1-G-B with Cel-shaded textures.x2m
- Vegeta transformable to SSJ1-G-B with Xenoverse 2 textures.x2m
The cel-shaded version of this mod is based on T.A.G Reshade mod, so if you want AWESOME textures (a lot better than XV2's one ;p) go download it.
Check my other mods here
If you want support me by donation:
x2m files, like all others x2m files.
1.0: initial release