Vegito’s Raging Blast Hair

I've never liked the way Vegito's hair looked in Xenoverse, so I took SSJ2 Goku's hair but changed the bangs to resemble the look in Raging Blast
Part of another mod I have planned for Vegito
Simply download the X2M and just add it in there!
hey can you make the hair available for cacs? i really like it
for CAC please
Speak my friend, I could use this hair, and then I would give the credits my friend, this hair is very beautiful
I like this mod, but the bangs n hairline kinda throw me off ngl. This prolly isnt easy to do but you could try to somehow import the hair models for characters from DBRB1/2 like rastaman did for the first time ssj goku hair. The models straight from dbrb2. id literally pay money of someone could get teen gohans base and ssj hair, along with vegitos from that game
i made this hair in blender for cac bc i was trying to see how it would look, its nice.
That’s awesome, would I be able to get it from you? if you want to keep it private that’s okay (:
sorry for the late reply but i would have ask permission for i have used a hair from tryzick to make it or i can just tell u a easy way to make in blender
Ngl looking back i still prefer Dimps/Revamp version of the hairstyle, but this is a nice change of looks for Vegito.
I love! The mod is beautiful! *w*
Can you make the hair for CAC? Please? :3
so basicaly goku ssj2 with vegetto’s outfit
you could say that yeah but with the added bangs of vegito