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Very Very Angry Super Saiyan!

A pretty sizeable buff.

Thanks to TheTrueHq for allowing me to use his transformation animation.

xv2in AFTER installing lazybones

none currently.

  • 50Mods
  • 343Followers

File size
1.12 MB
Credit given to modders
March 25, 2024


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  1. Good but could be better. Remember, in the Cell games package you have one transformation that has no aura, and to turn it on you need to transform again. In my opinion, it was a great solution, if it was used here it would also be great.

    Great transformation animation. You could add an outline surrounding the warrior in the transformation color
    , but you can see that you put a lot of work into it and you get the MAX from me.

  2. ill be honest your master ssj2 mod looks way more awesome then this one but this one at least works however the transformation animation looks kinda cheap and theres no bass no oompf no kick to the transformation once you change i was like ???? normal base game ssj actually gives off more of a dragon ball feeling im sry but im passing on this mod (im a harsh speaker its how i speak dont take anything i say as super harsh its just how i talk)

    1. Thanks for the actual feedback. The reason i stopped really looking at my comments was because it was mostly all “where’s this from?” “Where’s that from?” It so annoying that sometimes i take hours on a transformation and seemingly nobody cares and just wants the character’s assets. I’ll take a look at that mod to genuinely see what’s going on with it.

      also lowkey the point to this transformation was that it didn’t look that impressive but it was overpowered.

      1. And to be blunt i really don’t care, nor am i under any obligation to respond to comments if they’re just gonna be like that. and as a mod creator, do you know how hard it could be to fix some of the infinite loading issues? it really feels like it’s random. like trying to find an ant in an ocean. could really be anything.

        (if any people who actually have the hair and are wondering why in the world doesn’t it work with transformations, is because i modified any variant you see in my uploads (Like Ssj2) to actually work)

    1. Doesn’t matter I asked the creator how to get it to work with super saiyan the physics are completely busted, and it’s been months since I’ve asked and no reply. Save yourself the headache friend it’s not worth the brain aneurism.

  • 50Mods
  • 343Followers

File size
1.12 MB
Credit given to modders
March 25, 2024

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