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Vibrancy Reshade Pack

This is a pack of Reshade presets designed to enhance the overall look and feel of the game. In this pack you will get a total of three presets to choose from. Each preset aims to primarily do one thing, enhance the color depth to make the game pop more, hence the name. Everyone has different hardware setups for their PC's so this is why three presets are included in this pack. Think of all three presets as different tiers, you have a basic' better and best if you will. Naturally as you go up a tier your performance will take a hit, so by providing three you can choose which best suits your situation with your hardware. The basic preset is Vibrancy and this will have the most minimal impact on performance, it provides improved color. The better preset is Vibrancy Reloaded and this is the middle ground providing improved colors and sharper textures. Finally the last and most demanding preset is Vibrancy Overload and this will provide what the previous presets do along with additional enhancements like bloom for example. Now some users may have a hard time trying to tell the difference by just looking at the screenshots above so if you find yourself actually interested then your better off trying them out in-game if you download this. To give an example of how the performance changes, you can see my fps counter at the top when I have Reshade applied to the game. For my hardware I have a ryzen 2600 cpu' rx580 gpu and 16 gigs of ram and the overload preset takes a noticeable toll in terms of frame dips. I stay above 60 fps at pretty much all times except when it dips to like 58 in the bamboo forest in conton city when I use the overload preset. When I use reloaded my performance jumps up to 80-100 give or take, but that's in conton city, it's better elsewhere. If I use the basic vibrancy there's barely a difference overall in frame dips compared to not using Reshade at all. So if your interested in making the game look a bit better then go ahead and give this a shot and see if its right for you. Thanks for stopping by the page and checking out my pack. If you wanna take it a step further then I highly recommend trying out Demonboy's shader mods. They provide full consistency across the game meaning both the base and additional mods you install. He has a few other mods that can change the appearance of the game so be sure to check those out to. Have fun and experiment, that's the beauty of playing on PC right? Go nuts and enjoy yourselves.


Credit to Demonboy for providing a pre-configured Reshade folder containing the program ready to use. Makes setting up a lot easier and faster.

Step one: Download Demonboy's Reshade presets folder from his page.

Step two: Copy all three Vibrancy presets and paste them inside Demonboy's Reshade presets folder by going into: bin > rsm and then applying them there.

Step three: Copy the bin folder and paste it inside the root directory of the game.

Reshade is now installed and will load on startup. Just ignore the pop up at the top of the screen as it only lasts for a few seconds. Use the home key to open the settings window to change the config file to the option of your choice.

This is the final version and has been converted into a pack as the title suggests.

Reduced download size and no redirects.

Offers three presets that range from: Basic > Better > Best


File size
28.68 kB
Credit given to modders
November 22, 2020


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File size
28.68 kB
Credit given to modders
November 22, 2020

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