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What if – Android 21 absorbed the 6th’s universe Saiyan girls

At long last, i have released a mod pack that i had in mind since Android 21's first appearance.
It took me to long due to issues on the process, couldn't not fix deformations (1,2,3) after using
Frieza's tail and tail bones on their pants model/skeleton, the only bones working well with my mod
is FULLNUII's bones from his mod Super Saiyan 4 Kale and Caulifla, thanks a lot to FULLNUII for giving
his permission to use his bones, also, i had to reduce the thickness of their tails due to short
tail bones, i tried to rescale them in order to keep the tail's thickness but it brought the same
deformations issue again, so i kept the tails thin.
About their dimps or else steam holes, i tried a lot of times in blender to create their mesh or even
copy them from Kid Buu, but they always ended up stretching and out of place during the animations,
that is why i made only the dots in their emb.
I made some custom recolored skills, the rest are vanilla from different characters, about Kale 21's
Majin Gigantic skills, for some reason they do not have the majin colors in game
although i recolored them, if i find the solution and fix them, i will upload an updated version.
Thanks a lot to Hatred930 for creating their custom movesets. :)
For auras i've set Android 21's ids from Shakaro’s Beyond Overhaul ~ Ultimate Edition, it's required!
I have permission from FULLNUII to use his bones Super Saiyan 4 Kale and Caulifla mod.
Credit to Hatred930 for creating their custom movesets.
Credit to Shakaro for his awesome auras mod pack Shakaro’s Beyond Overhaul ~ Ultimate Edition.
  • 9Mods
  • 9Followers

File size
21.51 MB
Credit given to modders
fullnuii01, hatred930, Shakaro or else darkgokublack
September 12, 2023


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  • 9Mods
  • 9Followers

File size
21.51 MB
Credit given to modders
fullnuii01, hatred930, Shakaro or else darkgokublack
September 12, 2023

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