What if pack #2

Hello I'm back!
This new what if mod includes 2 new characters : Super Baby Black Gogeta (Ssj 3) (Baby Vegeta and Goku Black Fusion) And Bulchi (Bulma and Chichi Fusion).
For Super Baby Black Gogeta (Ssj 3) i got inspiration from the new look for ssj3 vegeta and some fanarts for the fusion. For the color i fuse the yellow from the normal sjj with the ssj rose and the white from baby.
and For Bulchi i directly get inspirations from the fanarts.
i will still work for my old mods and the newest ones already, updating and fixing textures, and changing things like proportions, animations, voices, etc. My priority right now it's Caule, tiencha and the newest one Bulchi.
I would be happy to read your feedback and sugestions.
Please, let me know of any bugs or errors.
Super Baby Black Gogeta (Ssj 3)
Install X2m as per usual.
is this Revamp compatible?
i uninstall revamp for some issues with the colors when i moding, but i don’t see why it’s not compatible 🎈
Super Baby Black Gogeta is not ssj3 he is
in ssj Rose
i mix the color of the Ssj and Ssj rose, and the result is the color can you see in the mod,maybe is wrong to say that is a Ssj 3, but in that case it wasn’t an ssj rose too, it’s something new i guess. 🧐