What if Raditz Turned Good – Fusion Pack

A modpack containing all of the fusions from MasakoX's "What if Raditz Turned Good" series (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmr4J92f5q0&list=PLNSgpJTAeqwl1ILSHjUC84Hh1obBMtYxM). Character designs were based on artwork by MalikStudios on DeviantArt (https://www.deviantart.com/malikstudios), and from the Dragon Ball R&R series. The Color scheme of Goditz was based on artwork by jenmania (https://jenmania.tumblr.com/post/175358981192/fanart-of-goditz-metamoran-fusion-between-goku; https://www.deviantart.com/jenmania/art/Goditz-879118144) and @slavontherocks/Toni Shippuden (https://twitter.com/slavontherocks/status/1045203753442463744)
The pack contains all fusions from the Z, Super and GT portions of the story.
- Raditto
- Raditto (SSGSS)
- Goditz
- Radgeta
- Radgeta (Balanced Super Saiyan 4)
- Radgeta (Super Saiyan 4)
- Ranten
- Raunks
Credit to the Revamp team as this mod uses revamp assets: https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/revamp-xenoverse-2-project-main/
Credit to 345boneshoss as this mod makes use of the Colour DYT Resource Pack: https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/345boneshosss-color-dyt-resource-pack/
Alongside this mod, I have also made a pack for the various forms of Raditz from the story: https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/what-if-raditz-turned-good-pack/
I have also made a pack for all of the versions of Ranch: https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/what-if-raditz-turned-good-ranch-pack/
I hope you enjoy the mod!
- Release
You probably quitted modding a long time ago, but is it possible to make Good Raditz outfits for CaCs?
on the 5th slide do u think you can make that hair for cac
How have you got the first guy’s hair to be blue? I know CAC’s work different from roster characters but everytime I’ve given a CAC SSJ3 length hair the hair stays the normal SSJ gold colour for transformations past SSJ3. Just a pain in the ass I wanna be able to give my CAC SSJ3 hair without being limited to only using SSJ1-3
I’m not too familiar with how to do things for CaC’s besides minor model swaps. I’d say it’s best to check The Citadel on Discord (https://discord.gg/H9WnagGc) as they have lots of tutorials that help with modding the game. Sorry I can’t be much more help on that topic.
great mod bro
Thanks man, glad you like it!