What-if Vegeta went Super saiyan on Namek

Hey there! Little pack based on a little what-if I had in mind, hope you enjoy!
Models made by the revamp team: https://xenoversemods.com/mods/revamp-xenoverse-2-project-main/
Credits to Søul#0830 on Discord for creating/porting both Goku's busts
Story below
On a timeline where Goku arrives in time on Namek. Despite Vegeta getting beat up by Frieza, he manages to survive. But seeing Kakarot stand up to the one who erased all of their race on front of his face, fills him with enough rage to go super saiyan! Finishing Frieza himself, Vegeta couldn't let an oportunity like this slip up his hands and get's started on a final battle with Goku! Due to Krillin and the rest escaping before being killed by Vegeta there's no way for Goku to turn super saiyan... despite that, He's pushed enough to attain more power and ends up going False Super saiyan! The one who won the battle and got to escape from Namek before it blew up, it's up to you to decide.
Install both X2m
No updates planned
cool characters ive made an actuaclly quest out of this can i use the models and give you credit so i can upload for everyone?
This is what I would of loved to seen in xeno 2 to bad dimps can’t do sh**. Great job it’s very beautiful 😀
Nice, the only thing it misses is the hole chest on Vegeta’s armor, even the original model doesn’t has it
nice false ssj colors dude! 5/5
That’s a cool what if story