White & Black God Goku (Pessi’s Mod Required)

Reshading of Pessi's Goku Mod Here [https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/super-saiyan-blue-goku-vegeta-dbs-h-graphic/]
Credit to Heirtalent for Color & Shading (http://animegamemods.freeforums.net/thread/16/heirtalents-thread-vegito-ssj4-released)
Credit to Pessi's for his great mod (http://animegamemods.freeforums.net/thread/37/pessi-black-goku-xenoverse-vote)
If you would like the same aura for goku, use the aura tool here [http://animegamemods.freeforums.net/thread/85/mugenattacks-mod-tools] by MugensAttack and give SSGGSS Goku Aura 15.
Install Pessi's Mod First Then Pick From the selcaten folders and overwrite the file in GGK folder. Enjoy.
Added More Options
Removed unneeded files