Xeno Bardock

Xeno Bardock from Super Dragon Ball Heroes
His shoes were changed so don't comment about them
Comments for ways to improve this would be much appreciated
1.1. Added 2 new pre-sets ( Pre-set 2 is pre-set 1 with with timebreaker mask and some different recoloured skills and Preset 3 is bardock if he had god ki going from ssjg to ssjb)
1.1.2 Fixed infinite load due to missing file
1.1.3 Added tails to all pre-sets and fixed some minor bugs
1.1.4 Bardock had the wrong set of shoes this is now fixed
1.2 Added Animated tails, Gave Bardock a new ultimate , fixed Bardock's shoes being the wrong colour while being transformed, Gave Bardock a different move set while in ssj4
Where is the same Bardock with Ssj1, Ssj2 and Ssj3?
I really like the mod, thank you for sharing, but the character has no voice and tail animation when fighting.
He should have tail animations al go take a look at that
If you had the tail out and changed his shoes I would give this mod 5 stars
His shoes where changed i just forgot to update the picutre unless you mean change them again and the tail im going to do at some point
Take a better look at his outfit.
What wrong with his outfit?