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Xenoverse 2 – The Primal-Z Pack

Goku & Vegeta, two Saiyans locked in a fateful and infamous Rivalry. Now re-imagined with the full Primal Power of the Saiyans at their disposal.

Unleash this power and go beyond what you thought was possible of these Eternal Rivals.

This pack includes:

  • 4 Character X2Ms. A Transforming Goku & Vegeta and Standalone Super Saiyan 4 Goku & Vegeta
  • 3 New Skills for the Super Saiyan 4 Goku & Vegeta. These Skills will also be available for CACs upon installation.
  • New Pants Model for Goku that give his Turtle Hermit Gi a hole for his Tail and a New Bust Model for Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta that make is look like his Battle Suit burst open during his SSJ4 Transformation

And we plan to add more in future a future update.

A Special Thanks to:

  • ContonMods for organizing the BCS, Awoken Skills, transforming portraits, the DYTs and for making the Renders and Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta Portrait
  • Shakaro for the New Skills and the Aura featured in the Screenshots and Video.
  • ThatGuyNamedTed for the new Goku Pants Model and SSJ4 Vegeta Bust model
  • Gamerchief for permission to use his SSJ3 Vegeta hair and SSJ4 Goku Awoken Skill Animation.
  • Grinns for open permissions to use the SSJ4 Awoken Skill Animation for Vegeta
  • REVAMP TEAM for open permissions to use Revamp Resources.

If you have an problems with the mod or would like some help to get in touch with Shakaro or ThatGuyNamedTed to use our Original Assets, contact me at either of the following:

Twitter: @Mitch4TheWin/@XenoHeroes

Discord: Mitchell4thewin2022 #2076

All X2Ms can be installed via XV2INS. If you install the SSJ4s before the Skill X2Ms, the Skills will be installed as well.

But you can also install the Skills by themselves if you want to.

Version 1.0 - Initial Release

  • 18Mods
  • 48Followers

Credit given to modders
ContonMods, Shakaro, ThatGuyNamedTed, Gamerchief, Grinns, REVAMP TEAM,
September 5, 2023


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  • 18Mods
  • 48Followers

Credit given to modders
ContonMods, Shakaro, ThatGuyNamedTed, Gamerchief, Grinns, REVAMP TEAM,
September 5, 2023

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