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Xenoverse 2 – The Prince of Power Pack

"I will go beyond. FAR beyond a power of a Super Saiyan!"

Unleash the power you never thought possible for the Prince of Saiyans. Watch out, because this Vegeta is a SUPER SAIYAN 3!!


Originally inspired by a Vegeta that appeared in the game Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission who took on this very form, I decided to try and bring him into Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. It took me a few tries but with the help of Jenik, XenoCoffee and Gamerchief101, not only have we put him in the game, we've fleshed him out as a standalone character.

This hopefully the first of many quality Character Mods to come. Again, a massive thank you to Jenik for his help with the model, DYTs and edit to Final Galick Rush, XenoCoffee for the brilliant Moveset that's fit for a Prince and Gamerchief for giving me Permission to use the Head & Hair Models of his Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta.

With all that said, I hope you all enjoy.

*NOTE: Aura in the images is not included. Vegeta uses the vanilla SSJ3 Aura and will adapt to whatever Aura mod you're using. In my case, I'm using Sharako's Beyond Overhaul. It's a fantastic Aura mod and one I would recommend to at least try.

It's just an X2M. Just put it through the XV2INS like any other X2M mod.

1.0 Initial Release

  • 18Mods
  • 48Followers

File size
11.54 MB
Credit given to modders
Jenik, XenoCoffee and Gamerchief
March 22, 2023


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    1. Okay, so there’s nothing bad happening on my side or on Jenik’s. There might be a conflict in your Modlist causing the issue. I have the same problem with Vanilla FPSSJ Broly.

      There’s not a lot more I can do but for the most part, he should work fine. If not, maybe reach out to XenoCoffee. He made the Moveset so he’ll have a better understanding.

  • 18Mods
  • 48Followers

File size
11.54 MB
Credit given to modders
Jenik, XenoCoffee and Gamerchief
March 22, 2023

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