Xenoverse 2 Ultimate Music Pack

This is a Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 music mod which aims to make battles more epic. A lot of tracks have been cut to start straight from the good part.
The tracks that have been changed:
Battle Themes:
0004: This track has been muted so this means that this mod is completely compatible with intro mods.
0008: Dragon Ball Super-Believe in Yourself (Strings Version)
0009: One Punch Man-Battle
0010: Attack on Titan- counterattack.mankind (second part)
0011: Sonic and The Black Knight-With Me
0012: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders-Stardust Crusaders
0013: Naruto Shippuden-The Crying God
0014: My Hero Academia-You Say Run
0015: Dragon Ball Super-Ultimate Battle (Epic Remix by Pokémixr92)
0016: Binding of Isaac Wrath of The Lamb-My Innermost Apocalypse
0017: One Punch Man-The Hero (Paulo Cuevas's cover)
0018: One Punch Man-Main Theme (Remix) (Soulsaber Remix)
0019: Dragon Ball Super-Spirit Bomb Theme (Friedrich Habetler Music's cover)
0020: Varien-Gunmetal Black
0021: Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2-Lost Courage (94Stones's Cover)
0022: My Hero Academia-Jet Set Run
0023: Attack on Titan-Eren's Berserk Theme
0024: Dragon Ball Super-An Impossible Battle To Win
0025: Unofficial Super Saiyan 3 Teen Gohan Theme by Saiyan Enigma
0026: Fairy Tail-Fist of Flame
0027: Dragon Ball Super-Chouzetsu Dynamic (Instrumental Cover) (Unfortunately I don't know who made it, please help me out if you can)
0028: Dragon Ball Super Broly-Blizzard (Friedrich Habetler Music's cover)
0029: Dragon Ball Super Broly-Broly vs Gogeta (Friedrich Habetler Music's cover)
0030: One Punch Man-Dark Energy
0031: Attack on Titan-Female Titan Extermination
0032: Flow-Hero
0033: Dragon Ball Super-Goku Black's Theme (Styzmask's remix)
0034: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders-Final Battle
0035: Unofficial Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta vs Super Saiyan 4 Broly Theme by Saiyan Enigma
0036: Dragon Ball Super-Heroic Battle
0037: Dragon Ball Super Broly-Broly vs Kakarot (Friedrich Habetler Music's cover)
0038: Sonic Generations Unleashed Project Trailer Theme by Falk
0039: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind-il vento d'oro
0040: Attack on Titan-APETITAN (Trey J. Anderson's cover)
0041: My Hero Academia-Rampaging Evil
0042: Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi-Final Disturbance
0043: Attack on Titan-Female Titan Theme
0044: Attack on Titan-Armored Titan Theme (Edited by mohamed nourddine)
Conton City Themes:
0058: Sonic Unleashed-Apotos HUB Day
0059: Sonic Unleashed-Apotos HUB Night
0060: Sonic Unleashed-Spagonia HUB Day
0061: Sonic Unleashed-Spagonia HUB Night
0062: Sonic Unleashed-Chun-Nan HUB Day
0063: Sonic Unleashed-Chun-Nan HUB Night
0064: Sonic Unleashed-Shamar HUB Day
0065: Sonic Unleashed-Shamar HUB Night
0066: Pokémon Sun and Moon-Ten Carat Hill Theme (GlitchxCity's Remix)
0067: Pokémon Sun and Moon-Ten Carat Hill Theme
0068: Sonic Unleashed-Empire City HUB Day
0069: Sonic Unleashed-Empire City HUB Night
Character Creation Theme:
0082: My Hero Academia-I Will Become a Hero
Main Menu/Character Selection Theme:
0083: My Hero Academia-Sora ni Utaeba (Simpsonill's Remix)
This mod is not Youtube friendly.
Drop the files in Data<Sound<BGM. If the folders don't exist you can just make them.
1.0 Initial Release
1.1 Changed some songs and fixed the link.
update the link
Welp, another good mod being dragged down by a dead link.
Link is dead