XV Redub – Broly (DBZ)

Who will be Broly's first victim now that he has his original voice back and his new Legendary power.
This Redub Pack has more than just Broly's original voice for the new DLC Broly. It features:
- Patched Voice files for Legendary Super Saiyan Broly. Replacing the accidently leftover Japanese voices with his English lines from XV1 and new voices line from Dragon Ball FighterZ.
- All of LSSJ Broly's Skill voice files for the new DLC Broly. So if you want to give the new Broly some of Broly's old skills, they'll come with the original voices.
- Two new Character Select Screen (CSS) Voices to use on any DBZ Broly.
If anyone would like to use these Voices on their DBZ Broly Mods, you have my permission. Just please remember to credit me if you do use and publish them.
PLEASE NOTE: This mod doesn't cover Interactions, Story or Quest Dialogue. So you will hear the vanilla voice.
There are Text Documents included that explain everything but if all you want is the voice, simply take the "data" file in the Broly (DBZ)' Voice folder and copy it. Then paste it in the data folder located in Xenoverse 2's Root Folder.
1.0 Initial Release
This is perfect!! Thank you so much!!
10/10 Mod bro, Love Vic’s performance
5/5- Nothing against JYB but Vic will always be Z Broly. Shame you cant replace the in game cutscene voices.
This was a much needed mod for the new DLC Broly, especially for the english thank you so much man! 😀