XV2 – Black’s armor & potara for male human/Saiyan CaCs

This time here's Black's Gi!
The clothes are fully colorable and I tried to make them compatible with every other available piece, so you can use them in combination with other parts without major issues.
The potara is an accessory, and there are 3 version (look at the pics!):
- Black/Zamasu (only on left ear)
- Black/Zamasu (on both ears)
- Vegito (on both ears)
By default the clothes replaces Emperor Pilaf ones and the potaras replaces World Tournament announcer sunglasses, King Kai sunglasses and Cell Games commentator Glasses, but you can replace what you want by replacing the numbers.
You can find ID lists here: Full clothes ID list.
Added a "No Glow" version to remove the SSj glow with transformations.
You still have to use No glow for saiyan male vfx file.
Let me know if you have suggestions or if you find any problem.
Unpack data2.cpk, put my files in data/chara/HUM (even the ones inside the potara folders you want to use) and repack.
1.0 - Initial release with Black's Gi and potaras.
1.1 - Added LOD files to prevent crashes.