XV2 Character Randomizer

Mostly made as a small for fun project, The XV2 Character randomizer is a tool that, well, randomizes characters. This includes things like their stats, skills, super souls, and aura effects.
In addition to this, the tool can also randomize characters used in story mode, quests and cutscenes as well as having options to include installed mod skills and characters if you so choose.
When you first choose to randomize something, the tool will create backup files for you to restore when you are done. It is recommend to NOT install any mods with randomized game files. Instead if you have more mods you want to install please make sure you restore backups first, install your new mods, then randomize again.
Just open the exe and input the path of your Xv2 game directory. Once done select the options you want in the Character or Quests and use their randomize buttons.
1.0 - Initial Release.
1.1 - Removed some character codes that could crash the game in certain conditions.
1.2 - Fixed game crashing caused by the randomizer not properly filtering out filler "characters" the installer uses for skills. Fixed randomizer not properly randomizing Infinite History cutscenes.
While I know you lost the files to this mod along with a bunch of others awhile back. Playing with this randomizer especially with friends was one of the most amounts of fun I’ve ever had with Xenoverse. Hopefully this makes a return someday.
Pleeeeaaase, I beg for an update. Being able to play with this would make the whole year.
Is this gonna get any more updates? doesnt work for me at all currently…
I seem to be having trouble using this on the current version (post hero of justice pack 2) i try to use it to randomize characters and quests and while it tells me it has already done so nothing seems to change once i open the game. And im not sure why could that be.
is there something like this but you can choose what character model goes over who?
There seems to be a problem with the newest update/DLC. Whenever I use the randomizer to randomize skills in either the roster or during quests, most if not all the skills randomized show up as “Unknown Skill” causing them to be blank slots when in battle. I’m unsure if this is a problem with the patcher, or randomizer itself, but I just wanted to make this problem known just in case.
i get a error by Microsoft .NET Framework how can i fix this ?
haha I usually download this mod whenever I play just because you can turn up the AI ​​difficulty
Is that the maximum difficulty that can be climbed? one of the things that xenoverse 2 needs is to be able to play all the battles in the maximum difficulty, it gives a lot of points to the game, I don’t know why nobody has thought of doing this…
Can you make a mod that changes pixels but that is this style? https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/tech-noirs-cel-shade-overhaul-x2m/
Trying to use this, and I keep getting the error:
When I launch the game, anyone know how to fix?
Bro! You need to make this a tool where you can choose characters to replace others in missions! I am dying for this to exist!
This looks cool. This gave me another idea lol. Where you could perhaps pick the characters that are in PQ’s and the character you could play as in the story mode.
This is an extreme breakthrough for XV2 modding. If we can get to the point where we can actually select modded versions of characters for the main story quests that would be amazing. Especially for parallel quests that require you to escort other NPC’s
Yeah selecting characters would be nice
This is without a doubt the single most important mod in the game’s lifespan.
can you make this tool, but not have it just be random, would be great if choosing what to give characters and who to be in certain story quests was an option and not just have the random option being the only one
Nice now we can do vx2 randomize playthroughs. Though, will some characters freeze the game?