XV2 – Goku’s transformable hair for male Humans/Saiyans (Normal -> SSj -> SSj blue/rose)

Hi to everyone.
This is basically the same mod I did for females (https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/xv2-gokus-transformable-hair-for-female-humanssaiyans-normal-ssj-ssj-blue/) with the addition of SSj rosè.
You'll find 2 folders, 1 for the SSj blue version and the other for SSj rosè, use only the version you want to use, and choose 1 of them, if you won't use 1 of the 2 alternative files everything will likely crash!
Unpack data2.cpk, put my files in chara/HUM and repack.
(1 of the files found in the folders I said must be placed in the same HUM folder)
1.0 - first release with normal->SSj->SSj blue and normal->SSj->SSj rosè
how do you unpack and repack stuff?