XV2 Skill Changes -Zeta-

Generic name aside, here's a project I've been working on for a bit now
As you can probably guess this is yet another pack of changes to vanilla skills, based around buffing ones I felt were either overshadowed by other skills, have little to no practical use, have features that don't get the chance to be used enough or ones I have personal pet peeves with, along with a couple thrown in just for fun.
Two quick side notes, the videos doesn't include skills which are simple damage increases or relatively unchanged in their use and feel free to use and or edit anything in this pack for your own mods if you like, just be sure to credit me, thanks!
Super Skills:
Rebellion Spear:
Damage increased by 25%
Speed while moving up and down increased by 2x
Scissors Paper Rock:
Attacks can be cancelled into stepping or dashing
Power Pole Combo:
Final hit damage increased by 20%
Stone Bullet:
Damage increased by 10x
Projectile speed increased by 2x
Sonic Kick:
Speed while dashing increased by 25%
Slightly improved tracking
Orin Combo:
The final part can now be cancelled
Ki Blast Thrust:
Can now be used while dashing
Now can be cancelled into supers
Turtle Style Last Resort:
Projectile is now signifigantly faster
Genocide Shell:
Reverted damage buff in v1.17
Now has homing properties
Death Beam:
Now always uses its ground version
Death Slicer:
Projectile speed increased by 2x
Death Slash:
Knockback time increased by 25%
Death Crasher:
Now always uses its empowered version
Power Blitz:
Projectile speed increased by 3x
Ki blast lifetime increased by 4x
Eye Beam:
Damage increased by 100%
Projectile lifetime increased by 3x
Perfect Shot:
Damage increased by 25%
Hawk Charge:
Palm strike can be cancelled into supers
Eagle Kick:
Can now be used while blocking
Ill Rain:
The side projectiles now redirect toward enemies after some time
Projectile lifetime increased by 2x
DIE DIE Missile Barrage:
Damage increased by 50%
Pressure Sign:
Damage increased by 75%
Feint Shot:
All shots can be cancelled quicker
The held input shot fires quicker
Thunder Eraser:
Speed while charging increased by 2x
Improved recovery upon charging
Burst Reflection:
Damage increased by 50%
Improved Tracking
Projectile speed increased by 3x
Projectile lifetime increased by 2x
Senko Blast:
Activation is now 50% faster
Dimensional Hole:
Now activates against ki blast supers and ultimates
Upon activating you are now protected against the attack
Counter ki blast now ignores super armour
Increased screenshake on counter ki blast
God of Destruction's Anger/Prelude to Destruction:
Improved tracking prior to firing the beam
Burst Kamehameha:
Damage increased by 15%
Increased screenshake on follow up
Wild Hunt:
The combo is now unvanishable
Emperor's Edge:
Reverted damage nerf in v1.17
Android Kick:
Reverted damage nerf in v1.17
After landing the kick it can be cancelled
Infinity Explosion:
Always uses its fully charged explosion
Super Mad Dance:
Always uses its empowered version
Reverse Launcher:
Reverted damage nerf in v1.18
Time Skip/Skewer:
Damage increased by 4x
Heavenly Arrow:
Damage increased by 20%
Blades of Judgement:
Increased damage by 20%
Increased screenshake
Holy Wrath:
Damage of all stages increased (1st Stage 25%, 2nd Stage 50%, 3rd Stage 75%)
Super Ghost Buu Attack:
Damage increased by 2x
Sneaky Strike:
Damage increased by 50%
Speed while invisible increased by 75%
Energy Minefield:
Projectile lifetime increased by 3x
Reverse Shot:
Always uses its empowered version
Revenge Final Flash:
Always uses its empowered version
Variant Drive:
Always uses its empowered version
Spirit Blaster:
Increased amount of shots in the second volley by 2x
Punisher Shield:
Kick and Blast now ignores super armour
Powered Shell:
Damage increased by 33%
Lovely Cyclone:
Damage increased by 35%
Blazing Attack:
Damage increased by 25%
Raid Blast:
Damage increased by 65%
Dragon Blitz:
All damage except the final hit is increased by 40%
Final hit now can be cancelled into supers
Photon Swipe:
Damage increased by 20%
Savory Slicer:
No longer decreases movement speed while the enemy is knocked back
Kairos Cannon:
Damage increased by 30%
Always uses its empowered version
Burning Shot:
Damage increased by 50%
Impact Flare:
Increased screenshake on all attacks
Increased knockback speed and length
Changed on hit sounds for the follow up
Blaster Bomb:
Improved Tracking
Damage increased by 20%
Blaster Cannon:
All damage is increased by 66% except the final hits which are increased by 40%
Improved tracking on vanishing kick follow up attack
Vanishing kick hit sound and stun effects changed
Vanishing kick can be cancelled into supers
Increased screenshake on all attacks
Justice Kick:
Can now be used while dashing
Justice Blade:
Transformed CaCs now use its empowered version
Ultrasonic Blitz:
Camera has been zoomed in
Damage increased by 50%
Spirit Pulse:
Damage increased by 33%
Projectile lifetime increased by 33%
Slightly increased screenshake
Wild Buster:
Damage increased by 15%
Shield Barrier:
Activation is now 50% faster
Heroic Assault:
Counter blast damage increased by 25%
Heroic Counter:
Damage increased by 25%
Gamma Impact:
Damage increased by 33%
Shooting Strike:
Damage increased by 33%
Ultimate Skills:
Full Power Energy Blast Volley:
Blasts always have homing properties
Spirit Ball:
Hitstun has been increased
The ball is 2x faster
Neo Tri-Beam:
Now deals all its damage in 1 hit rather than 3 hits
Firing speed increased by 50%
Burning Spin:
Movement now has homing properties
Knockback significantly reduced
Damage significantly reduced
Increased hitbox size of the final hit
Adjusted camera during the attack
One-Handed Kamehameha:
Damage increased by 2x
Added tired animation after the attack
Super Black Kamehameha:
Damage increased by 15%
Instant Severance:
Now ignores guard and super armour
God Punisher:
Damage increased by 50%
Godly Chronos Cannon:
Always uses its empowered version
Destructive Fission:
Reverted nerf in v1.17
Meteor Explosion:
Damage increased by 20%
Power Wall:
Damage increased by 20%
Crush Stream:
Damage increased by 25%
Sign of Awakening:
Damage increased by 15%
Evasive Skills:
Fake Blast:
Reverted hit detection and immunity frame nerfs in v1.18
Reverted nerf to recovery upon stunning an enemy
Rolling Bullet:
Projectile hitbox increased by 20%
Now has homing properties
Force Shield:
Damage increased by 3x
Ki drain reduced by 40%
Knockback increased
Increased screenshake
Blaster Meteor:
Damage increased by 20%
Spread Shot Retreat:
Hitstun has been increased
Use the LB Installer and select the skills you want to change
Initial Release
Major Update
Scissors Paper Rock Changed
Power Pole Combo Changed
Sonic Kick Changed
Ki Blast Thrust Changed
Genocide Shell Updated
Death Slicer Changed
Death Slash Changed
Hawk Charge Changed
Ill Rain Changed
Feint Shot Changed
Thunder Eraser Changed
Burst Reflection Changed
Senko Blast Changed
Dimensional Hole Changed
God of Destruction's Anger
Prelude to Destruction Changed
Burst Kamehameha Changed
Wild Hunt Changed
Emperor's Edge Changed
Reverse Launcher Changed
Blades of Judgement Changed
Energy Minefield Changed
Lovely Cyclone Changed
Dragon Blitz Changed
Photon Swipe Changed
Impact Flare Changed
Blaster Bomb Changed
Blaster Cannon Changed
Justice Kick Changed
Justice Blade Changed
Ultrasonic Blitz Changed
Spirit Pulse Changed
Wild Buster Changed
Shield Barrier Changed
Heroic Assault Changed
Heroic Counter Changed
Gamma Impact Changed
Shooting Strike Changed
Godly Chronos Cannon Changed
Destructive Fission Changed
Meteor Explosion Changed
Power Wall Changed
Crush Stream Changed
Sign of Awakening Changed
Fake Blast Updated
Force Shield Changed
Blaster Meteor Changed
Congratulations omg. You made these skills viable
Please fix Rise to action and phantom fist
Could it be possible if you can make Go Go Gum do damage again when trapped by it?
also give moves like fake death the old frames it had before it got nerfed
Been wanting to use the old punisher drive again for years now
Is it compatible with the Revamp Project.😯
Curious about what homing on God of Destruction’s Wrath would look like
holy shit king this is superb
Can you do wild hunt?
Wild Hunt: Uninterruptable (opponent can’t z-vanish out of it) and after the Sledgehammer you can cancel it into another move (like Galick Gun or Big Bang Attack…)
Couldn’t quite get the cancel on the sledgehammer to work right but it is unvanishable now.
Can you also do empower version of Godly Chronos Cannon that increased damage 2X without hitting enemies with Holy Inscription two time in battles?
Been busy so I haven’t had too much time to update this but it is in now.
*heavy breathing*
Pretty cool idea! There are quite a few skills on here that I throught needed a buff to at least be worth using (hint hint Powered Shell), but I really like how some of the buffs are more focused on utility over pure damage. My favorites would have to be Punisher Shield and Rolling Bullet
can you fix ice cannon?, Ice cannon 90% of the time fails to knockback enemies long enough to unleash its freezing beam, the enemies recover quickly and breaks your stamina, please test it yourself.
I tested it and it seems to work fine on my end, if you haven’t already, try limiting your game’s framerate to 59 FPS since for whatever reason many skills become unstable while running at a higher framerate.
Here’s the method I used to limit my FPS if you’re interested, hope this helps.
Thank you, but it doesn’t work for me cuz i have amd, i tried messing with it to get a similar outcome to yours.
Dunno why u made Fake Blast op again but i enjoy these skill fixes
Ey glad you’re enjoying them, and honestly Fake Blast just felt awkward for me to use after the nerf, though thankfully you can just not use it if you like.
thats fair, while i despise the move, i gotta admit its very useful