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XV2 Super Soul Editor

A tool used to edit, create, and share XV2 Super Souls.

I saw that ZSoulTool 2 wasn't likely to be updated anymore, so I grabbed Mugen's ZSoulTool source and decided to try my hand at making my own up do date soul editor.


-Edit just about every possible part of the super souls.

-Support for Limit Bursts

-Added quite a few new Effects and Activators that I found while toying with super souls.

-Export/import souls to share with friends.

-Search bar for quickly finding super souls

-Support for creating all new Limit Bursts

-Support for batch exporting super souls as well as limit bursts for each.

-Now works with LazyBone's transformations mod installed

I'd like to thank MugenAttack for having his source code available to use and Adonix for the inspiration to try making my own tool. Extra thanks to Lazybone & Unleashed for helping out with a lot of these new additions.


Please report any issues you might have when using the tool.

A very early list with some more detailed info on how to use certain effects and activators is being made.

if you would like to help add to or correct some info maybe try contackting me.

I can most easily be found in this discord server if you require help or more info on how to use the editor

  1. Install the XV2 Patcher. this is required and will not work without it
  2. Start the program and create souls.
  3. save your edits and start the game with the XV2 Patcher active

1.20 - Fixed a huge error with the message code that would mess up the msg entry names for the souls. As a result I had to disable Switch support for now, but I'll try to get it working again soon.

1.20a - Updated and added about 15 new Effects to use. these include activating/nullifying certain status ailments and changing damage taken/received from all or certain skill types.

1.30 - Updated the names of some Effects and Activators that hopefully makes them a bit easier to understand. Tool will now auto load the correct files from the game directory after you set it. If the files are not already in the data folder then the tool will read the files from the cpk.

Fixed bug that caused errors when trying to edit the name/description of a super soul with different name and description IDs. (Thanks lazybone)

1.40 - Updated for some of the new effects and activators added in XV2 1.13 new search bar added, support for creation of custom Limit bursts, Batch export feature added, and various typos and small bug fixes to hopefully better user experience.

1.41 - various bug fixes

1.42 - another bug fix

1.50 - updated UI to hopefully make things easier to use. added ability to change super souls to use one of the 5 basic limit bursts (found under limit burst options). added option to add or remove the current super soul to the item shop (found under super soul options). fixed bug with quotation marks in names and descriptions and a bug where some text boxes weren't saving.

1.51 - fixed a bug where Super Soul IDs were not assigned properly when creating/adding a new Super Soul. Added and renamed Some Activation Method names to hopefully make them easier to understand.

1.61 - Added "Copy Super Soul to clipboard and paste as new Super Soul". Added "Create new Super Soul (as Limit Burst)". Added the ability to create new Limit Burst MSG entries for an existing Super Soul. Fixed MSG de-sync issue.

1.7 - Removed "Limit Burst Options" toolbar selection and replaced it with the new "Limit Burst Quick Change" drop down box on the Super Soul Details tab. Changed the "Aura" and "Unknown" boxes that used to be on the Basic and Effect Details Tabs to more accurately define what they are used for. New effect types added (some that were previously shown as "???") and some effect names changed to hopefully better help understand what they are.

1.71 - Small fix that re-adds the Copy and Paste options in "Super Soul Options" that were in version 1.6 I accidentally removed them in 1.7, sorry.

1.75 - Re-added removed feature "Create New Super Soul (For Limit Burst)" found under "Super Soul Options" - Removed IDs from view of the "Limit Burst Color", "Ki Blast Type", "Target", and "EEPK to Use" dropboxes. - Added EffectData.xml internally and removed the uneeded external copy. (The external copy can still be read if present inside the same directory as the exe.) - Updated and renamed some values in the EffectData.xml. Older versions will not work anymore. - Basic other small UI changes.

1.75b - added new super souls effects and activators

1.8 - Support for XV2 1.18.00. (Version 1.8 will no longer work for any version below 1.18.00. This is due to the new IDB format.) - Support for new super soul Effects and Activators IDs added in XV2 1.18.00. - Race Lock now uses checkboxes for each race type instead of a number value. - Support for Importing SSP files made in older versions of the Editor so that you don't have to remake Souls. - Other misc adjustments and fixes.

1.9 - Support XV2 1.22.00. (Version 1.9 will no longer work for any version below 1.22.00. This is due to the new IDB format.) New Features: - Option to Duplicate Current Super Soul - Option to Replace Current Super Soul with one copied to clipboard - Ability to edit and Preview Names/Descriptions for every language - Ability to detect and use custom Ki Blast types currently installed with X2Ms - Option to Export Current Super Soul as LazyBone Installer format XML

  • 19Mods
  • 87Followers

File size
567.67 kB
Credit given to modders
DemonBoy, MugenAttack,Lazybone,Unleashed
August 29, 2024


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  1. What exactly does “Unhandled exception” mean again? I get this warning whenever I try to export souls, usually dealing with one that drains stamina on super hit (enemy).

    I’ve never figured out how to prevent it from acting up and it generally either ends up magically resolving itself or stays a thorn in my side.

    1. This right here Demon Boy. This same problem has driven me insane all night. I’m losing my patience with Xenoverse 2, and it’s all I have the motivation for. I was trying to work around this error by backtracking the version, this made the super souls act up, and resulted in bugs completely unrelated to the soul editor’s line of work. The AIs are acting funny doing absolutely nothing. The high maintenance loading screens doubled in length, and every time I interact with the menu it takes a whopping 2-3 seconds to load or save, I changed nothing besides the idb file and an attempt at updating Microsoft.NET to see if it’d go away, having no clue why this even appeared in the first place, and what could be done to stop it. I’m scared that I’ll have redo everything I’ve done in modding this game, down to the last install, and I DON’T want to have to do that. This whole thing has me frustrated beyond typical human limits and I’d appreciate feedback ASAP.

  2. hello so I made a super soul that makes it, so I am Invincible, and I can even one shot The Omni king Of Saiyan’s mod and another one that just makes me Invincible and I can’t use it on pq quest as soon as I load in it just says finish and failed i only play by myself and have never even gone to the co op or multiplayer so can i not use custom super souls in pq’s?

  3. Hello! For some reason I can’t import in older Super Souls I’ve created using older versions of this editor. It keeps saying, “Not valid Super Soul Data,” and, “Error occurred when installing ssp file.” I am able to make new ones, export them, and import them back in just fine. It would be a bummer if I couldn’t use my old ones.

  4. When I create a custom super soul on version 1.90 it doesn’t kick in like there are no changes. Is there anything you can do to fix it? (Example, if I give myself + 4 max health I still have my same original health.

  5. If anybody is struggling with the file you will unfortunately have to remake your super soul as that’s what I had to do. To do that go into:
    Wherever your DB Xenoverse 2 directory is at. then go into data, then system, then item, then delete the talisman_item.idb file. After that you’ll want to repoint the super soul editor file back at the Xenoverse 2 directory. Then Boom it should be working perfectly fine!

      1. There is another tool called “Super Soul Creator” that comes as part of Eternity’s tools, but I find it’s much less beginner-friendly and a lot harder to use. Lots of values whose meanings aren’t explained. There doesn’t seem to be a single guide on it anywhere.

  6. how do i make a super soul that does x4 score or x6 score i see score multiplyer in effects but where do i change the multiplyer for it cuz when i put it on it gives me 0 score when i put score multiplyer idk where to put a number for multiplyer

  • 19Mods
  • 87Followers

File size
567.67 kB
Credit given to modders
DemonBoy, MugenAttack,Lazybone,Unleashed
August 29, 2024

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