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I had a lot of people come to me saying this tool doesn't work for various reasons. if you're in this situation I am truly sorry, but this tool is OLD. I am in the process of completely rewriting it, adding more functionality and most importantly, fixing BUGS. If you need help for it just hit me up on discord at strik304


XVReborn is a Tool I made inspired by Eternity's XV2Ins tool, but for for Xenoverse 1. Now comes with it's own flavour of XVPatcher


How to Install:

This tools needs flex sdk, which also requires java 32 bit!!!

Drop XVReborn, XVPATCHER, and xinput1_3.dll in the game's directory


I am not so good at writing tutorials, so if you have any questions just dm me on discord: Strik304

If you like my tools you can support their development on Patreon


SPECIAL THANKS: Eternity for the original XV Patcher MugenAttack for his tools Source Codes Lazybone for his tools Source Codes

  • 2Mods
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File size
35.52 MB
February 15, 2024


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  1. Wow, a DBXV1 enjoyer like me. I was waiting for this day. This is an incredible piece of art. With Lazybone in the credits too. I remember around 2015 when adding slots was discovered but all research was continued on DBXV2 and that was how this game got abandoned. Now there’s one more thing left to do, a save editor like the one Lazybone did for DBXV2. There’s a save editor by Smoketastic but that one’s kinda outdated and you can’t really edit EVERYTHING in the game (DLC 2 and DLC 3 Masters for example). As I said, great mod. Keep it up 🙂

    1. Viruses? Do you even know what you’re talking about? There are things called “false positives”, smh… Also… the only thing that could be flagged as a false positive is the patcher which is originally made by Eternity, and since hooking dll libraries is ALWAYS seen as a bad thing by Antiviruses, well, shit happens… For the “I can’t get it to work” part, I can try to help you, just dm me on discord.

  • 2Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
35.52 MB
February 15, 2024

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