Yyako Goku black pack Ultiamte Reshade

I haven't been uploading for awhile cause this 1 was confusing to work with , & I edited some hair problems the original had
I didn't get to Haikaishin mode because its ordered weirdly & I cant find it yet theres a few problems that might be fixed by the time this is up
go to the original to see whats all being reshaded if u want to try this mod
Enjoy ;3
Download the original first: https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/new-versions-goku-black-pack-re-updated-by-yyako/
Join Discrod for request https://discord.gg/m37hYMB
Drag & drop
V1.00 Initial release
V1.01 TheManga version transformations has been updated and fixed
V1.03 Ssj1 & 3 have been edited to have a lil more yellow from the aura effects & Limit breaker shading has been adjusted a little