Zanoa (Zamas And Chronoa Fusión)

Zanoa (Supreme Kai Of Time)/(Supreme Goddess Of Time)
This fused character I created is inspired by Dragon Ball Fusions. Since I thought to see several mergers there
like Karoly, Karoly Black, Towane, Pandel And Kibeeru-shin among others, I said that would happen if Zamas
and Chronoa if they were merged, this was how this design was created if Zamas and Chronoa merged giving
way to "Zanoa"
Remembrance is only a fusion design of how serious if Zamas and Chronoa if they merged
The Fusion is made with the "Earrings Potaras"
This Fusion is made with Zamas (Female) (Ex-Supreme Kai Of Time)
Este personaje fusionado que he creado está inspirado en Dragon Ball Fusions. Ya que pense al ver varias
fusiones de ahi como Karoly , Karoly Black , Towane , Pandel And Kibeeru-shin entre otros ,dije que pasaria si
Zamas y Chronoa si se fusionasen, asi fue como cree este diseño si se fusionasen Zamas y Chronoa dando paso a
Recuerdo es solo un diseño de Fusión de como seria si Zamas y Chronoa si se fusionasen.
La Fusión esta hecha con los "Pendientes Potaras"
Esta Fusión esta hecha con Zamas (Hembra) (Ex-Suprema Kayoshin del Tiempo)
Doubts and Other
Because the skin color of "Zanoa" is almost white and similar to that of "Demigra"
Well this is due to the fusion of the 2 skin colors as much as the Zamas as the Chronoa is the resulting color that
The color of the clothes?
It is the same as the skin a fusion of the colors of the 2 characters
Because the Fusion is made with the version of Zamas (Female) (Ex-Supreme Kai Of Time)
I did so because it would be the best way to square the fusion, even if they have some differences like "Goku and Vegeta" I mean the plus of the "Earrings Potaras"
Kuromas (Supreme Kai Of Time)/(Supreme Goddess Of Time)
Zaku (Supreme Kai Of Time)/(Supreme Goddess Of Time)
ZK (Supreme Kai Of Time)/(Supreme Goddess Of Time)
Zanoa (Supreme Kai Of Time)/(Supreme Goddess Of Time)
Skb95 For
Skb95 For
Eternity for Tools
Olganix And Dario for Xenoviewer V2
Olganix for EmdFbx And FbxEmd
Olganix , Dario And Mugen for XenoXmlConverter
Olganix For EanOrganizer
Just use X2M installer eternity tool;
-Added Zanoa (Zamas And Chronoa Fusión) (Supreme Kai Of Time)
-Other Minor Misc
Mini Update Alternative Bust (First versions of the mod "Small Breats")!4F1SFYqD!4LzietMRbjPrFdrsWBNa9m47JVz_KNmIETyudiRJ18U
It looks amazing, would you mind if I made some fan art?
Maf absorbed Cronoa?