Zeno Expo Arena Stage

Hi guys Alpha here! To install the mod use the eternity tools as usual. Hope you can enjoy the stage mod. Future texture updates may come. Subscribe to my YT channel for future releases and other contents.
Credits to Eternity and Olganix for their tools.
Update 10/06/2019 - Hello everyone Alpha here! Hope you enjoy the update! With this update I've been able to get the effect that I wanted to get on the columns. I also made the sky texture more pinkish and updated the seats. As usual, every comment will be appreciated. Next update will be focused on the sky.
In the pack you will also find a file named "ALzen00.emb". These are the sky textures and since I made the textures really big trying to get them less pixelated, replace the file in the installation folder with this one if you got fps drops.
Update 26/07/2019 - Better sky, tangent map on the tiles, destruction vfx. There is no more the alterative emb for the sky.
Eternity Tools (You can just reinstall it with xv2ins if you had the previous version)
- 1.0 - Release
- 1.1 - Seats, columns and sky texture update
- 1.2 - Sky, tiles and vfx
this is very beautiful, nice work