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Site Rules

Site Rules

Hello all, welcome to KakarotMods!
When using our site you must adhere to our rules.
These may change over time, but for now, they are as follows.
Regarding uploads:
  1. Do not share files from other works unless you have consent to do so.
  2. Do not share files intended to provide free access to the game or any of its DLC
  3. Do not reupload mods several times. If your mod is not immediately available it is likely that staff will need to approve the mod manually.
  4. Do not submit mods without a description or images. Doing so will result in the mod being deleted.
Regarding  forums & comments:
  1. While commenting or participating in forums be respectful towards other members.
  2. Do not expose private information or personal messages of any nature.
  3. Do not attempt to impersonate anyone in the community.

The open modding platform

VGM brings modding communities together under a unified network. The original community creator retains control over the content and community for the game

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Start your own Modding Community

We allow modders to manage their own modding community using our platform for hosting and sharing mods, unlimited usage to grow your community without the hassle of hosting

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Please take a moment to follow us on social media, we will be posting new updates and featued mods. There will be exciting new competitions with great prizes