Kale (Base) over Kefla Mod!
Kale! Plus Caulifla! Makes... Kale!!
Now you can play with The Berserk Saiyan (even though she's not in her Berserk form in this mod haha) Big shoutouts to YourLordAdam for creating the mod and ViolentObserver for the colors.
Mod is compatible with the Caulifla and Kale Recolors for Kefla over colors 7 and 3, and possibly is compatible with the Goku Black recolor mod for Kefla.
Color list
-Color 1 (normal)
-Color 2 (Hit)
-Color 3 (Jiren/Pride Troopers)
-Color 4 (Cabba)
-Color 5 (Broly DBS)
-Color 6 (Original/Wonder Woman)
-Color 7 (Caulifla)
-Color 8 (Kefla)
-Color 9 (Goku)
-Color 10 (Original/Military)
-Color 11 (Broly DBZ)
-Color 12 (Original/All Black)
p.s. You may notice some "funny faces" when she does her outro aswell as her Lvl. 3 Ultimate.
Simply place it into the "~mods" folder.
Noticed that only the recolors were showing up, so I had to fix that real quick.
It would be great if you made a Kale mod for Android 17, everyone would love it.