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Kefla with vest 2

Kefla but with vest and ssj3 hair

goes over costume01

already have 16 colors

Just like an old days

  • 26Mods
  • 3Followers

November 9, 2022


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  1. Hey! I really like this mod.

    Would it be possible to fix the outlines to be more prominent like in the original models? I noticed them beeing somehow weak in some custom models. In one mod the modder fixed the materials, I think, to make the outlines look “normal” again.

    In the color variations the black part seem too dark in my opinion. Maybe something with the shading? I’d rather pick a dark grey like in the Gogeta colors.

    Keep up the good work and cheers from germany!

    1. This is my favorite Kefla mod by the way, which made me wanna play her, so I’ll obviously keep using it. Thanks!

      I never liked her original “catsuit” outfit and i think the mix of Gogeta and Gotenks suits her pretty good. Makes her “silhouette” more balanced, where the original design has lots of weight in the head and hair region.

      Like I said above, the outlines especially on her hair, face and the shoulder pads look too thin and soft compared to e.g. the original Gotenks and Gogeta models.

      For the color pallets I’d follow the example of the original Getenks and Gogeta colors in terms of vibrancy and contrast.

      1. It would also be cool if the belt cloth was actually moving like Gotenks’ and Gogetas, but I can imagine this is pretty advanced stuff. Where changing or merging/fitting two model into one, like you did so far, is pretty advanced stuff in my eyes too. All I managed to achieve so far, is changing colors, with an image editing software, in the color maps, not even on the model itself. Which is a lot of trail and error and guess work. XD

  • 26Mods
  • 3Followers

November 9, 2022

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