Mighty Morphin Power RangerZ Opening

Here is my custom anime opening for Dragon Ball FighterZ. I used the Power Rangers mods on here to try and recreate the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers opening as best as I could. Just like my previous one, it took me forever to make and achieve the quality I wanted but I'm very happy with it and think everyone checking it out will be as well.
It is also to my understanding that custom openings don't work anymore? It's been a long time since I've tried anything like that so feel free to let me know if I'm wrong. I couldn't get it working on my own game but I planned to make the video anyway so I figured I'd upload it here if anyone was interested considering the reception on my last opening. Maybe someone will figure out how to get them working again in the future but the video will be available in the mean time.
Follow me on twitter, twitch, and subscribe to my youtube if you are interested in more: Twitch livestream: https://twitch.tv/dirtyvik Twitter: https://twitter.com/DirtyVik
Let me know what you think of the video, what could be improved, what should be different or what you liked or disliked.
Thanks for taking the time to check it out.
Read the text file in the zip.
Thanks lol, it took forever to make but it was worth.