Super Saiyan 4 Goku Black

This mod is a comission work I´ve asked for to Saitsu and now I want to share it, so big thanks and credits to this great modder!
Model and Color 1 by Saitsu
Rest of Colors by me
Color 2 - Goku SS4 Fur
Color 3 - This concept
Color 4 - SSB Color Scheme
Color 5 - LSS Color Scheme
Color 6 - Goku SS4 Color Scheme
Color 7 - Gogeta SS4 Color Scheme
Color 8 - Baby Golden Oozaru Color Scheme
Color 9 - My personal Color Scheme
Color 10 - Same as 9 but Rose
Color 11 - Original Color whith White fur
Color 12 - Original Color with Black fur
Event Colors are missing so probably I´ll add them in the future
Put it into the ~mods folder
Silly question, can you keep the original ssj rose and have the mod in another color?
Mod is good the only thing is the Potara ring when he wins how it shows at the end, you have an example in the 12 pic from left to right.
looks amazing
The Dragon Ball GT Mods have been the best and this is one more!.
Friends, we must make the battle between “Goku SS4 and Super Android 17” come true. Please !. I think if Saitsu did a “Super No. 17” Mod on Jiren it would be amazing.
AlvaroTuKiko, do you think Saitsu could create the Super Android 17 Mod?.
Another exelent mod!
Can you please make a mod for Super Broly without armor? Like after his super Lv3 move “Gigantic Roar”.
I know that you made a mod just like that, but with a hair color change.
And a optional mod of him without his Bah fur belt would be very nice two.
Thank you!
When I try to extract this, I get an error that says “no archives found” and that the archive is either in unknown format or damaged. Can anyone help?
try with other navigator, I tried to download it and works perfectly
Thanks for replying, but no luck with that, it just gives the same error. Could it be my unzipping program? I’m using winrar, which is usually fine, but this isn’t the first time I’ve gotten this error from a mod on this site. I’ve extracted and installed some mods from this site just fine, but some of them give me this error, and I don’t know what to do about it.
go to downloads and extract by clicking extract with “(whatever the file name is)” its put it in ~mods there, if that dosent work , somethings wrong with your computer g.
Turns out my winrar was just extemely out of date.
Thanks to everyone who tried to help.
Thank you for sharing this awesome mod,Saitsu’s work is always impressive.And the colors are amazingMuch love ❤️🙏