Airzooka Bubble Blaster v2

Now you can use the Force as a weapon...
...just kidding, but you can blast stuff around you with the power of this invisible Bubble Blaster.
Thanks Zenin, for the idea.
Xbox 360 and and PC version included. Simply place the proper weapons.bin file in your dropzone folder.
- Recomended: a Blackmarket mod that has the Bubble Gun in it.
- weapons.bin and weapon_upgrade.bin codes included.
Update: A possible fix for what should be an invisible weapon. It now uses a model that does not, as far as I know, show up in-game.
Update: Possible fix for issue with grappling hook.
To the people that keep asking: The weapon on Rico's back is the Clusterbomb Grenade Launcher I got with my Pre-order. It will be available in the "Blackmarket Boom Pack"coming out soon.